Amazon Connect Customer Profiles

2022/11/14 - Amazon Connect Customer Profiles - 1 updated api methods

Changes  This release enhances the SearchProfiles API by providing functionality to search for profiles using multiple keys and logical operators.

SearchProfiles (updated) Link ¶
Changes (request, response)
{'AdditionalSearchKeys': [{'KeyName': 'string', 'Values': ['string']}],
 'LogicalOperator': 'AND | OR'}
{'Items': {'FoundByItems': [{'KeyName': 'string', 'Values': ['string']}]}}

Searches for profiles within a specific domain using one or more predefined search keys (e.g., _fullName, _phone, _email, _account, etc.) and/or custom-defined search keys. A search key is a data type pair that consists of a KeyName and Values list.

This operation supports searching for profiles with a minimum of 1 key-value(s) pair and up to 5 key-value(s) pairs using either AND or OR logic.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

            'KeyName': 'string',
            'Values': [
type NextToken:


param NextToken:

The pagination token from the previous SearchProfiles API call.

type MaxResults:


param MaxResults:

The maximum number of objects returned per page.

The default is 20 if this parameter is not included in the request.

type DomainName:


param DomainName:


The unique name of the domain.

type KeyName:


param KeyName:


A searchable identifier of a customer profile. The predefined keys you can use to search include: _account, _profileId, _assetId, _caseId, _orderId, _fullName, _phone, _email, _ctrContactId, _marketoLeadId, _salesforceAccountId, _salesforceContactId, _salesforceAssetId, _zendeskUserId, _zendeskExternalId, _zendeskTicketId, _serviceNowSystemId, _serviceNowIncidentId, _segmentUserId, _shopifyCustomerId, _shopifyOrderId.

type Values:


param Values:


A list of key values.

  • (string) --

type AdditionalSearchKeys:


param AdditionalSearchKeys:

A list of AdditionalSearchKey objects that are each searchable identifiers of a profile. Each AdditionalSearchKey object contains a KeyName and a list of Values associated with that specific key (i.e., a key-value(s) pair). These additional search keys will be used in conjunction with the LogicalOperator and the required KeyName and Values parameters to search for profiles that satisfy the search criteria.

  • (dict) --

    A data type pair that consists of a KeyName and Values list that is used in conjunction with the KeyName and Values parameters to search for profiles using the SearchProfiles API.

    • KeyName (string) -- [REQUIRED]

      A searchable identifier of a customer profile.

    • Values (list) -- [REQUIRED]

      A list of key values.

      • (string) --

type LogicalOperator:


param LogicalOperator:

Relationship between all specified search keys that will be used to search for profiles. This includes the required KeyName and Values parameters as well as any key-value(s) pairs specified in the AdditionalSearchKeys list.

This parameter influences which profiles will be returned in the response in the following manner:

  • AND - The response only includes profiles that match all of the search keys.

  • OR - The response includes profiles that match at least one of the search keys.

The OR relationship is the default behavior if this parameter is not included in the request.




Response Syntax

    'Items': [
            'ProfileId': 'string',
            'AccountNumber': 'string',
            'AdditionalInformation': 'string',
            'PartyType': 'INDIVIDUAL'|'BUSINESS'|'OTHER',
            'BusinessName': 'string',
            'FirstName': 'string',
            'MiddleName': 'string',
            'LastName': 'string',
            'BirthDate': 'string',
            'Gender': 'MALE'|'FEMALE'|'UNSPECIFIED',
            'PhoneNumber': 'string',
            'MobilePhoneNumber': 'string',
            'HomePhoneNumber': 'string',
            'BusinessPhoneNumber': 'string',
            'EmailAddress': 'string',
            'PersonalEmailAddress': 'string',
            'BusinessEmailAddress': 'string',
            'Address': {
                'Address1': 'string',
                'Address2': 'string',
                'Address3': 'string',
                'Address4': 'string',
                'City': 'string',
                'County': 'string',
                'State': 'string',
                'Province': 'string',
                'Country': 'string',
                'PostalCode': 'string'
            'ShippingAddress': {
                'Address1': 'string',
                'Address2': 'string',
                'Address3': 'string',
                'Address4': 'string',
                'City': 'string',
                'County': 'string',
                'State': 'string',
                'Province': 'string',
                'Country': 'string',
                'PostalCode': 'string'
            'MailingAddress': {
                'Address1': 'string',
                'Address2': 'string',
                'Address3': 'string',
                'Address4': 'string',
                'City': 'string',
                'County': 'string',
                'State': 'string',
                'Province': 'string',
                'Country': 'string',
                'PostalCode': 'string'
            'BillingAddress': {
                'Address1': 'string',
                'Address2': 'string',
                'Address3': 'string',
                'Address4': 'string',
                'City': 'string',
                'County': 'string',
                'State': 'string',
                'Province': 'string',
                'Country': 'string',
                'PostalCode': 'string'
            'Attributes': {
                'string': 'string'
            'FoundByItems': [
                    'KeyName': 'string',
                    'Values': [
    'NextToken': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • Items (list) --

      The list of Profiles matching the search criteria.

      • (dict) --

        The standard profile of a customer.

        • ProfileId (string) --

          The unique identifier of a customer profile.

        • AccountNumber (string) --

          A unique account number that you have given to the customer.

        • AdditionalInformation (string) --

          Any additional information relevant to the customer’s profile.

        • PartyType (string) --

          The type of profile used to describe the customer.

        • BusinessName (string) --

          The name of the customer’s business.

        • FirstName (string) --

          The customer’s first name.

        • MiddleName (string) --

          The customer’s middle name.

        • LastName (string) --

          The customer’s last name.

        • BirthDate (string) --

          The customer’s birth date.

        • Gender (string) --

          The gender with which the customer identifies.

        • PhoneNumber (string) --

          The customer's phone number, which has not been specified as a mobile, home, or business number.

        • MobilePhoneNumber (string) --

          The customer’s mobile phone number.

        • HomePhoneNumber (string) --

          The customer’s home phone number.

        • BusinessPhoneNumber (string) --

          The customer’s home phone number.

        • EmailAddress (string) --

          The customer’s email address, which has not been specified as a personal or business address.

        • PersonalEmailAddress (string) --

          The customer’s personal email address.

        • BusinessEmailAddress (string) --

          The customer’s business email address.

        • Address (dict) --

          A generic address associated with the customer that is not mailing, shipping, or billing.

          • Address1 (string) --

            The first line of a customer address.

          • Address2 (string) --

            The second line of a customer address.

          • Address3 (string) --

            The third line of a customer address.

          • Address4 (string) --

            The fourth line of a customer address.

          • City (string) --

            The city in which a customer lives.

          • County (string) --

            The county in which a customer lives.

          • State (string) --

            The state in which a customer lives.

          • Province (string) --

            The province in which a customer lives.

          • Country (string) --

            The country in which a customer lives.

          • PostalCode (string) --

            The postal code of a customer address.

        • ShippingAddress (dict) --

          The customer’s shipping address.

          • Address1 (string) --

            The first line of a customer address.

          • Address2 (string) --

            The second line of a customer address.

          • Address3 (string) --

            The third line of a customer address.

          • Address4 (string) --

            The fourth line of a customer address.

          • City (string) --

            The city in which a customer lives.

          • County (string) --

            The county in which a customer lives.

          • State (string) --

            The state in which a customer lives.

          • Province (string) --

            The province in which a customer lives.

          • Country (string) --

            The country in which a customer lives.

          • PostalCode (string) --

            The postal code of a customer address.

        • MailingAddress (dict) --

          The customer’s mailing address.

          • Address1 (string) --

            The first line of a customer address.

          • Address2 (string) --

            The second line of a customer address.

          • Address3 (string) --

            The third line of a customer address.

          • Address4 (string) --

            The fourth line of a customer address.

          • City (string) --

            The city in which a customer lives.

          • County (string) --

            The county in which a customer lives.

          • State (string) --

            The state in which a customer lives.

          • Province (string) --

            The province in which a customer lives.

          • Country (string) --

            The country in which a customer lives.

          • PostalCode (string) --

            The postal code of a customer address.

        • BillingAddress (dict) --

          The customer’s billing address.

          • Address1 (string) --

            The first line of a customer address.

          • Address2 (string) --

            The second line of a customer address.

          • Address3 (string) --

            The third line of a customer address.

          • Address4 (string) --

            The fourth line of a customer address.

          • City (string) --

            The city in which a customer lives.

          • County (string) --

            The county in which a customer lives.

          • State (string) --

            The state in which a customer lives.

          • Province (string) --

            The province in which a customer lives.

          • Country (string) --

            The country in which a customer lives.

          • PostalCode (string) --

            The postal code of a customer address.

        • Attributes (dict) --

          A key value pair of attributes of a customer profile.

          • (string) --

            • (string) --

        • FoundByItems (list) --

          A list of items used to find a profile returned in a SearchProfiles response. An item is a key-value(s) pair that matches an attribute in the profile.

          If the optional AdditionalSearchKeys parameter was included in the SearchProfiles request, the FoundByItems list should be interpreted based on the LogicalOperator used in the request:

          • AND - The profile included in the response matched all of the search keys specified in the request. The FoundByItems will include all of the key-value(s) pairs that were specified in the request (as this is a requirement of AND search logic).

          • OR - The profile included in the response matched at least one of the search keys specified in the request. The FoundByItems will include each of the key-value(s) pairs that the profile was found by.

          The OR relationship is the default behavior if the LogicalOperator parameter is not included in the SearchProfiles request.

          • (dict) --

            A data type pair that consists of a KeyName and Values list that were used to find a profile returned in response to a SearchProfiles request.

            • KeyName (string) --

              A searchable identifier of a customer profile.

            • Values (list) --

              A list of key values.

              • (string) --

    • NextToken (string) --

      The pagination token from the previous SearchProfiles API call.