Amazon Connect Cases

2024/05/03 - Amazon Connect Cases - 3 updated api methods

Changes  This feature supports the release of Files related items

CreateRelatedItem (updated) Link ¶
Changes (request)
{'content': {'file': {'fileArn': 'string'}}, 'type': {'File'}}

Creates a related item (comments, tasks, and contacts) and associates it with a case.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

        'comment': {
            'body': 'string',
            'contentType': 'Text/Plain'
        'contact': {
            'contactArn': 'string'
        'file': {
            'fileArn': 'string'
        'userArn': 'string'
type caseId:


param caseId:


A unique identifier of the case.

type content:


param content:


The content of a related item to be created.

  • comment (dict) --

    Represents the content of a comment to be returned to agents.

    • body (string) -- [REQUIRED]

      Text in the body of a Comment on a case.

    • contentType (string) -- [REQUIRED]

      Type of the text in the box of a Comment on a case.

  • contact (dict) --

    Object representing a contact in Amazon Connect as an API request field.

    • contactArn (string) -- [REQUIRED]

      A unique identifier of a contact in Amazon Connect.

  • file (dict) --

    A file of related items.

    • fileArn (string) -- [REQUIRED]

      The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of a File in Amazon Connect.

type domainId:


param domainId:


The unique identifier of the Cases domain.

type performedBy:


param performedBy:

Represents the creator of the related item.

  • userArn (string) --

    Represents the Amazon Connect ARN of the user.

type type:


param type:


The type of a related item.




Response Syntax

    'relatedItemArn': 'string',
    'relatedItemId': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • relatedItemArn (string) --

      The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the related item.

    • relatedItemId (string) --

      The unique identifier of the related item.

GetCaseAuditEvents (updated) Link ¶
Changes (response)
{'auditEvents': {'relatedItemType': {'File'}}}

Returns the audit history about a specific case if it exists.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

type caseId:


param caseId:


A unique identifier of the case.

type domainId:


param domainId:


The unique identifier of the Cases domain.

type maxResults:


param maxResults:

The maximum number of audit events to return. The current maximum supported value is 25. This is also the default when no other value is provided.

type nextToken:


param nextToken:

The token for the next set of results. Use the value returned in the previous response in the next request to retrieve the next set of results.




Response Syntax

    'auditEvents': [
            'eventId': 'string',
            'fields': [
                    'eventFieldId': 'string',
                    'newValue': {
                        'booleanValue': True|False,
                        'doubleValue': 123.0,
                        'emptyValue': {},
                        'stringValue': 'string',
                        'userArnValue': 'string'
                    'oldValue': {
                        'booleanValue': True|False,
                        'doubleValue': 123.0,
                        'emptyValue': {},
                        'stringValue': 'string',
                        'userArnValue': 'string'
            'performedBy': {
                'iamPrincipalArn': 'string',
                'user': {
                    'userArn': 'string'
            'performedTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
            'relatedItemType': 'Contact'|'Comment'|'File',
            'type': 'Case.Created'|'Case.Updated'|'RelatedItem.Created'
    'nextToken': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • auditEvents (list) --

      A list of case audits where each represents a particular edit of the case.

      • (dict) --

        Represents the content of a particular audit event.

        • eventId (string) --

          Unique identifier of a case audit history event.

        • fields (list) --

          A list of Case Audit History event fields.

          • (dict) --

            Fields for audit event.

            • eventFieldId (string) --

              Unique identifier of field in an Audit History entry.

            • newValue (dict) --

              Union of potential field value types.

              • booleanValue (boolean) --

                Can be either null, or have a Boolean value type. Only one value can be provided.

              • doubleValue (float) --

                Can be either null, or have a Double value type. Only one value can be provided.

              • emptyValue (dict) --

                An empty value. You cannot set EmptyFieldValue on a field that is required on a case template.

                This structure will never have any data members. It signifies an empty value on a case field.

              • stringValue (string) --

                Can be either null, or have a String value type. Only one value can be provided.

              • userArnValue (string) --

                Can be either null, or have a String value type formatted as an ARN. Only one value can be provided.

            • oldValue (dict) --

              Union of potential field value types.

              • booleanValue (boolean) --

                Can be either null, or have a Boolean value type. Only one value can be provided.

              • doubleValue (float) --

                Can be either null, or have a Double value type. Only one value can be provided.

              • emptyValue (dict) --

                An empty value. You cannot set EmptyFieldValue on a field that is required on a case template.

                This structure will never have any data members. It signifies an empty value on a case field.

              • stringValue (string) --

                Can be either null, or have a String value type. Only one value can be provided.

              • userArnValue (string) --

                Can be either null, or have a String value type formatted as an ARN. Only one value can be provided.

        • performedBy (dict) --

          Information of the user which performed the audit.

          • iamPrincipalArn (string) --

            Unique identifier of an IAM role.

          • user (dict) --

            Represents the identity of the person who performed the action.

            • userArn (string) --

              Represents the Amazon Connect ARN of the user.

        • performedTime (datetime) --

          Time at which an Audit History event took place.

        • relatedItemType (string) --

          The Type of the related item.

        • type (string) --

          The Type of an audit history event.

    • nextToken (string) --

      The token for the next set of results. This is null if there are no more results to return.

SearchRelatedItems (updated) Link ¶
Changes (request, response)
{'filters': {'file': {'fileArn': 'string'}}}
{'relatedItems': {'content': {'file': {'fileArn': 'string'}}, 'type': {'File'}}}

Searches for related items that are associated with a case.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

            'comment': {}
            'contact': {
                'channel': [
                'contactArn': 'string'
            'file': {
                'fileArn': 'string'
type caseId:


param caseId:


A unique identifier of the case.

type domainId:


param domainId:


The unique identifier of the Cases domain.

type filters:


param filters:

The list of types of related items and their parameters to use for filtering.

  • (dict) --

    The list of types of related items and their parameters to use for filtering.

    • comment (dict) --

      A filter for related items of type Comment.

    • contact (dict) --

      A filter for related items of type Contact.

      • channel (list) --

        A list of channels to filter on for related items of type Contact.

        • (string) --

      • contactArn (string) --

        A unique identifier of a contact in Amazon Connect.

    • file (dict) --

      A filter for related items of this type of File.

      • fileArn (string) --

        The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the file.

type maxResults:


param maxResults:

The maximum number of results to return per page.

type nextToken:


param nextToken:

The token for the next set of results. Use the value returned in the previous response in the next request to retrieve the next set of results.




Response Syntax

    'nextToken': 'string',
    'relatedItems': [
            'associationTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
            'content': {
                'comment': {
                    'body': 'string',
                    'contentType': 'Text/Plain'
                'contact': {
                    'channel': 'string',
                    'connectedToSystemTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
                    'contactArn': 'string'
                'file': {
                    'fileArn': 'string'
            'performedBy': {
                'userArn': 'string'
            'relatedItemId': 'string',
            'tags': {
                'string': 'string'
            'type': 'Contact'|'Comment'|'File'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • nextToken (string) --

      The token for the next set of results. This is null if there are no more results to return.

    • relatedItems (list) --

      A list of items related to a case.

      • (dict) --

        A list of items that represent RelatedItems.

        • associationTime (datetime) --

          Time at which a related item was associated with a case.

        • content (dict) --

          Represents the content of a particular type of related item.

          • comment (dict) --

            Represents the content of a comment to be returned to agents.

            • body (string) --

              Text in the body of a Comment on a case.

            • contentType (string) --

              Type of the text in the box of a Comment on a case.

          • contact (dict) --

            Represents the content of a contact to be returned to agents.

            • channel (string) --

              A list of channels to filter on for related items of type Contact.

            • connectedToSystemTime (datetime) --

              The difference between the InitiationTimestamp and the DisconnectTimestamp of the contact.

            • contactArn (string) --

              A unique identifier of a contact in Amazon Connect.

          • file (dict) --

            Represents the content of a File to be returned to agents.

            • fileArn (string) --

              The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of a File in Amazon Connect.

        • performedBy (dict) --

          Represents the creator of the related item.

          • userArn (string) --

            Represents the Amazon Connect ARN of the user.

        • relatedItemId (string) --

          Unique identifier of a related item.

        • tags (dict) --

          A map of of key-value pairs that represent tags on a resource. Tags are used to organize, track, or control access for this resource.

          • (string) --

            • (string) --

        • type (string) --

          Type of a related item.