2024/05/03 - Amazon Connect Cases - 3 updated api methods
Changes This feature supports the release of Files related items
{'content': {'file': {'fileArn': 'string'}}, 'type': {'File'}}
Creates a related item (comments, tasks, and contacts) and associates it with a case.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.create_related_item( caseId='string', content={ 'comment': { 'body': 'string', 'contentType': 'Text/Plain' }, 'contact': { 'contactArn': 'string' }, 'file': { 'fileArn': 'string' } }, domainId='string', performedBy={ 'userArn': 'string' }, type='Contact'|'Comment'|'File' )
A unique identifier of the case.
The content of a related item to be created.
comment (dict) --
Represents the content of a comment to be returned to agents.
body (string) -- [REQUIRED]
Text in the body of a Comment on a case.
contentType (string) -- [REQUIRED]
Type of the text in the box of a Comment on a case.
contact (dict) --
Object representing a contact in Amazon Connect as an API request field.
contactArn (string) -- [REQUIRED]
A unique identifier of a contact in Amazon Connect.
file (dict) --
A file of related items.
fileArn (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of a File in Amazon Connect.
The unique identifier of the Cases domain.
Represents the creator of the related item.
userArn (string) --
Represents the Amazon Connect ARN of the user.
The type of a related item.
Response Syntax
{ 'relatedItemArn': 'string', 'relatedItemId': 'string' }
Response Structure
(dict) --
relatedItemArn (string) --
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the related item.
relatedItemId (string) --
The unique identifier of the related item.
{'auditEvents': {'relatedItemType': {'File'}}}
Returns the audit history about a specific case if it exists.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.get_case_audit_events( caseId='string', domainId='string', maxResults=123, nextToken='string' )
A unique identifier of the case.
The unique identifier of the Cases domain.
The maximum number of audit events to return. The current maximum supported value is 25. This is also the default when no other value is provided.
The token for the next set of results. Use the value returned in the previous response in the next request to retrieve the next set of results.
Response Syntax
{ 'auditEvents': [ { 'eventId': 'string', 'fields': [ { 'eventFieldId': 'string', 'newValue': { 'booleanValue': True|False, 'doubleValue': 123.0, 'emptyValue': {}, 'stringValue': 'string', 'userArnValue': 'string' }, 'oldValue': { 'booleanValue': True|False, 'doubleValue': 123.0, 'emptyValue': {}, 'stringValue': 'string', 'userArnValue': 'string' } }, ], 'performedBy': { 'iamPrincipalArn': 'string', 'user': { 'userArn': 'string' } }, 'performedTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'relatedItemType': 'Contact'|'Comment'|'File', 'type': 'Case.Created'|'Case.Updated'|'RelatedItem.Created' }, ], 'nextToken': 'string' }
Response Structure
(dict) --
auditEvents (list) --
A list of case audits where each represents a particular edit of the case.
(dict) --
Represents the content of a particular audit event.
eventId (string) --
Unique identifier of a case audit history event.
fields (list) --
A list of Case Audit History event fields.
(dict) --
Fields for audit event.
eventFieldId (string) --
Unique identifier of field in an Audit History entry.
newValue (dict) --
Union of potential field value types.
booleanValue (boolean) --
Can be either null, or have a Boolean value type. Only one value can be provided.
doubleValue (float) --
Can be either null, or have a Double value type. Only one value can be provided.
emptyValue (dict) --
An empty value. You cannot set EmptyFieldValue on a field that is required on a case template.
This structure will never have any data members. It signifies an empty value on a case field.
stringValue (string) --
Can be either null, or have a String value type. Only one value can be provided.
userArnValue (string) --
Can be either null, or have a String value type formatted as an ARN. Only one value can be provided.
oldValue (dict) --
Union of potential field value types.
booleanValue (boolean) --
Can be either null, or have a Boolean value type. Only one value can be provided.
doubleValue (float) --
Can be either null, or have a Double value type. Only one value can be provided.
emptyValue (dict) --
An empty value. You cannot set EmptyFieldValue on a field that is required on a case template.
This structure will never have any data members. It signifies an empty value on a case field.
stringValue (string) --
Can be either null, or have a String value type. Only one value can be provided.
userArnValue (string) --
Can be either null, or have a String value type formatted as an ARN. Only one value can be provided.
performedBy (dict) --
Information of the user which performed the audit.
iamPrincipalArn (string) --
Unique identifier of an IAM role.
user (dict) --
Represents the identity of the person who performed the action.
userArn (string) --
Represents the Amazon Connect ARN of the user.
performedTime (datetime) --
Time at which an Audit History event took place.
relatedItemType (string) --
The Type of the related item.
type (string) --
The Type of an audit history event.
nextToken (string) --
The token for the next set of results. This is null if there are no more results to return.
{'filters': {'file': {'fileArn': 'string'}}}Response
{'relatedItems': {'content': {'file': {'fileArn': 'string'}}, 'type': {'File'}}}
Searches for related items that are associated with a case.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.search_related_items( caseId='string', domainId='string', filters=[ { 'comment': {} , 'contact': { 'channel': [ 'string', ], 'contactArn': 'string' }, 'file': { 'fileArn': 'string' } }, ], maxResults=123, nextToken='string' )
A unique identifier of the case.
The unique identifier of the Cases domain.
The list of types of related items and their parameters to use for filtering.
(dict) --
The list of types of related items and their parameters to use for filtering.
comment (dict) --
A filter for related items of type Comment.
contact (dict) --
A filter for related items of type Contact.
channel (list) --
A list of channels to filter on for related items of type Contact.
(string) --
contactArn (string) --
A unique identifier of a contact in Amazon Connect.
file (dict) --
A filter for related items of this type of File.
fileArn (string) --
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the file.
The maximum number of results to return per page.
The token for the next set of results. Use the value returned in the previous response in the next request to retrieve the next set of results.
Response Syntax
{ 'nextToken': 'string', 'relatedItems': [ { 'associationTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'content': { 'comment': { 'body': 'string', 'contentType': 'Text/Plain' }, 'contact': { 'channel': 'string', 'connectedToSystemTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'contactArn': 'string' }, 'file': { 'fileArn': 'string' } }, 'performedBy': { 'userArn': 'string' }, 'relatedItemId': 'string', 'tags': { 'string': 'string' }, 'type': 'Contact'|'Comment'|'File' }, ] }
Response Structure
(dict) --
nextToken (string) --
The token for the next set of results. This is null if there are no more results to return.
relatedItems (list) --
A list of items related to a case.
(dict) --
A list of items that represent RelatedItems.
associationTime (datetime) --
Time at which a related item was associated with a case.
content (dict) --
Represents the content of a particular type of related item.
comment (dict) --
Represents the content of a comment to be returned to agents.
body (string) --
Text in the body of a Comment on a case.
contentType (string) --
Type of the text in the box of a Comment on a case.
contact (dict) --
Represents the content of a contact to be returned to agents.
channel (string) --
A list of channels to filter on for related items of type Contact.
connectedToSystemTime (datetime) --
The difference between the InitiationTimestamp and the DisconnectTimestamp of the contact.
contactArn (string) --
A unique identifier of a contact in Amazon Connect.
file (dict) --
Represents the content of a File to be returned to agents.
fileArn (string) --
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of a File in Amazon Connect.
performedBy (dict) --
Represents the creator of the related item.
userArn (string) --
Represents the Amazon Connect ARN of the user.
relatedItemId (string) --
Unique identifier of a related item.
tags (dict) --
A map of of key-value pairs that represent tags on a resource. Tags are used to organize, track, or control access for this resource.
(string) --
(string) --
type (string) --
Type of a related item.