2023/06/29 - Amazon AppStream - 10 new 2 updated api methods
Changes This release introduces app block builder, allowing customers to provision a resource to package applications into an app block
Stops an app block builder.
Stopping an app block builder terminates the instance, and the instance state is not persisted.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.stop_app_block_builder( Name='string' )
The name of the app block builder.
Response Syntax
Response Structure
(dict) --
AppBlockBuilder (dict) --
Describes an app block builder.
Arn (string) --
The ARN of the app block builder.
Name (string) --
The name of the app block builder.
DisplayName (string) --
The display name of the app block builder.
Description (string) --
The description of the app block builder.
Platform (string) --
The platform of the app block builder.
WINDOWS_SERVER_2019 is the only valid value.
InstanceType (string) --
The instance type of the app block builder.
EnableDefaultInternetAccess (boolean) --
Indicates whether default internet access is enabled for the app block builder.
IamRoleArn (string) --
The ARN of the IAM role that is applied to the app block builder.
VpcConfig (dict) --
The VPC configuration for the app block builder.
SubnetIds (list) --
The identifiers of the subnets to which a network interface is attached from the fleet instance or image builder instance. Fleet instances use one or more subnets. Image builder instances use one subnet.
(string) --
SecurityGroupIds (list) --
The identifiers of the security groups for the fleet or image builder.
(string) --
State (string) --
The state of the app block builder.
CreatedTime (datetime) --
The creation time of the app block builder.
AppBlockBuilderErrors (list) --
The app block builder errors.
(dict) --
Describes a resource error.
ErrorCode (string) --
The error code.
ErrorMessage (string) --
The error message.
ErrorTimestamp (datetime) --
The time the error occurred.
StateChangeReason (dict) --
The state change reason.
Code (string) --
The state change reason code.
Message (string) --
The state change reason message.
AccessEndpoints (list) --
The list of interface VPC endpoint (interface endpoint) objects. Administrators can connect to the app block builder only through the specified endpoints.
(dict) --
Describes an interface VPC endpoint (interface endpoint) that lets you create a private connection between the virtual private cloud (VPC) that you specify and AppStream 2.0. When you specify an interface endpoint for a stack, users of the stack can connect to AppStream 2.0 only through that endpoint. When you specify an interface endpoint for an image builder, administrators can connect to the image builder only through that endpoint.
EndpointType (string) --
The type of interface endpoint.
VpceId (string) --
The identifier (ID) of the VPC in which the interface endpoint is used.
Deletes an app block builder.
An app block builder can only be deleted when it has no association with an app block.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.delete_app_block_builder( Name='string' )
The name of the app block builder.
Response Syntax
Response Structure
(dict) --
Starts an app block builder.
An app block builder can only be started when it's associated with an app block.
Starting an app block builder starts a new instance, which is equivalent to an elastic fleet instance with application builder assistance functionality.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.start_app_block_builder( Name='string' )
The name of the app block builder.
Response Syntax
Response Structure
(dict) --
AppBlockBuilder (dict) --
Describes an app block builder.
Arn (string) --
The ARN of the app block builder.
Name (string) --
The name of the app block builder.
DisplayName (string) --
The display name of the app block builder.
Description (string) --
The description of the app block builder.
Platform (string) --
The platform of the app block builder.
WINDOWS_SERVER_2019 is the only valid value.
InstanceType (string) --
The instance type of the app block builder.
EnableDefaultInternetAccess (boolean) --
Indicates whether default internet access is enabled for the app block builder.
IamRoleArn (string) --
The ARN of the IAM role that is applied to the app block builder.
VpcConfig (dict) --
The VPC configuration for the app block builder.
SubnetIds (list) --
The identifiers of the subnets to which a network interface is attached from the fleet instance or image builder instance. Fleet instances use one or more subnets. Image builder instances use one subnet.
(string) --
SecurityGroupIds (list) --
The identifiers of the security groups for the fleet or image builder.
(string) --
State (string) --
The state of the app block builder.
CreatedTime (datetime) --
The creation time of the app block builder.
AppBlockBuilderErrors (list) --
The app block builder errors.
(dict) --
Describes a resource error.
ErrorCode (string) --
The error code.
ErrorMessage (string) --
The error message.
ErrorTimestamp (datetime) --
The time the error occurred.
StateChangeReason (dict) --
The state change reason.
Code (string) --
The state change reason code.
Message (string) --
The state change reason message.
AccessEndpoints (list) --
The list of interface VPC endpoint (interface endpoint) objects. Administrators can connect to the app block builder only through the specified endpoints.
(dict) --
Describes an interface VPC endpoint (interface endpoint) that lets you create a private connection between the virtual private cloud (VPC) that you specify and AppStream 2.0. When you specify an interface endpoint for a stack, users of the stack can connect to AppStream 2.0 only through that endpoint. When you specify an interface endpoint for an image builder, administrators can connect to the image builder only through that endpoint.
EndpointType (string) --
The type of interface endpoint.
VpceId (string) --
The identifier (ID) of the VPC in which the interface endpoint is used.
Creates a URL to start a create app block builder streaming session.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.create_app_block_builder_streaming_url( AppBlockBuilderName='string', Validity=123 )
The name of the app block builder.
The time that the streaming URL will be valid, in seconds. Specify a value between 1 and 604800 seconds. The default is 3600 seconds.
Response Syntax
{ 'StreamingURL': 'string', 'Expires': datetime(2015, 1, 1) }
Response Structure
(dict) --
StreamingURL (string) --
The URL to start the streaming session.
Expires (datetime) --
The elapsed time, in seconds after the Unix epoch, when this URL expires.
Retrieves a list that describes one or more app block builder associations.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.describe_app_block_builder_app_block_associations( AppBlockArn='string', AppBlockBuilderName='string', MaxResults=123, NextToken='string' )
The ARN of the app block.
The name of the app block builder.
The maximum size of each page of results.
The pagination token used to retrieve the next page of results for this operation.
Response Syntax
{ 'AppBlockBuilderAppBlockAssociations': [ { 'AppBlockArn': 'string', 'AppBlockBuilderName': 'string' }, ], 'NextToken': 'string' }
Response Structure
(dict) --
AppBlockBuilderAppBlockAssociations (list) --
This list of app block builders associated with app blocks.
(dict) --
Describes an association between an app block builder and app block.
AppBlockArn (string) --
The ARN of the app block.
AppBlockBuilderName (string) --
The name of the app block builder.
NextToken (string) --
The pagination token used to retrieve the next page of results for this operation.
Updates an app block builder.
If the app block builder is in the STARTING or STOPPING state, you can't update it. If the app block builder is in the RUNNING state, you can only update the DisplayName and Description. If the app block builder is in the STOPPED state, you can update any attribute except the Name.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.update_app_block_builder( Name='string', Description='string', DisplayName='string', Platform='WINDOWS'|'WINDOWS_SERVER_2016'|'WINDOWS_SERVER_2019'|'AMAZON_LINUX2', InstanceType='string', VpcConfig={ 'SubnetIds': [ 'string', ], 'SecurityGroupIds': [ 'string', ] }, EnableDefaultInternetAccess=True|False, IamRoleArn='string', AccessEndpoints=[ { 'EndpointType': 'STREAMING', 'VpceId': 'string' }, ], AttributesToDelete=[ 'IAM_ROLE_ARN'|'ACCESS_ENDPOINTS'|'VPC_CONFIGURATION_SECURITY_GROUP_IDS', ] )
The unique name for the app block builder.
The description of the app block builder.
The display name of the app block builder.
The platform of the app block builder.
WINDOWS_SERVER_2019 is the only valid value.
The instance type to use when launching the app block builder. The following instance types are available:
The VPC configuration for the app block builder.
App block builders require that you specify at least two subnets in different availability zones.
SubnetIds (list) --
The identifiers of the subnets to which a network interface is attached from the fleet instance or image builder instance. Fleet instances use one or more subnets. Image builder instances use one subnet.
(string) --
SecurityGroupIds (list) --
The identifiers of the security groups for the fleet or image builder.
(string) --
Enables or disables default internet access for the app block builder.
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role to apply to the app block builder. To assume a role, the app block builder calls the AWS Security Token Service (STS) AssumeRole API operation and passes the ARN of the role to use. The operation creates a new session with temporary credentials. AppStream 2.0 retrieves the temporary credentials and creates the appstream_machine_role credential profile on the instance.
For more information, see Using an IAM Role to Grant Permissions to Applications and Scripts Running on AppStream 2.0 Streaming Instances in the Amazon AppStream 2.0 Administration Guide .
The list of interface VPC endpoint (interface endpoint) objects. Administrators can connect to the app block builder only through the specified endpoints.
(dict) --
Describes an interface VPC endpoint (interface endpoint) that lets you create a private connection between the virtual private cloud (VPC) that you specify and AppStream 2.0. When you specify an interface endpoint for a stack, users of the stack can connect to AppStream 2.0 only through that endpoint. When you specify an interface endpoint for an image builder, administrators can connect to the image builder only through that endpoint.
EndpointType (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The type of interface endpoint.
VpceId (string) --
The identifier (ID) of the VPC in which the interface endpoint is used.
The attributes to delete from the app block builder.
(string) --
Response Syntax
Response Structure
(dict) --
AppBlockBuilder (dict) --
Describes an app block builder.
Arn (string) --
The ARN of the app block builder.
Name (string) --
The name of the app block builder.
DisplayName (string) --
The display name of the app block builder.
Description (string) --
The description of the app block builder.
Platform (string) --
The platform of the app block builder.
WINDOWS_SERVER_2019 is the only valid value.
InstanceType (string) --
The instance type of the app block builder.
EnableDefaultInternetAccess (boolean) --
Indicates whether default internet access is enabled for the app block builder.
IamRoleArn (string) --
The ARN of the IAM role that is applied to the app block builder.
VpcConfig (dict) --
The VPC configuration for the app block builder.
SubnetIds (list) --
The identifiers of the subnets to which a network interface is attached from the fleet instance or image builder instance. Fleet instances use one or more subnets. Image builder instances use one subnet.
(string) --
SecurityGroupIds (list) --
The identifiers of the security groups for the fleet or image builder.
(string) --
State (string) --
The state of the app block builder.
CreatedTime (datetime) --
The creation time of the app block builder.
AppBlockBuilderErrors (list) --
The app block builder errors.
(dict) --
Describes a resource error.
ErrorCode (string) --
The error code.
ErrorMessage (string) --
The error message.
ErrorTimestamp (datetime) --
The time the error occurred.
StateChangeReason (dict) --
The state change reason.
Code (string) --
The state change reason code.
Message (string) --
The state change reason message.
AccessEndpoints (list) --
The list of interface VPC endpoint (interface endpoint) objects. Administrators can connect to the app block builder only through the specified endpoints.
(dict) --
Describes an interface VPC endpoint (interface endpoint) that lets you create a private connection between the virtual private cloud (VPC) that you specify and AppStream 2.0. When you specify an interface endpoint for a stack, users of the stack can connect to AppStream 2.0 only through that endpoint. When you specify an interface endpoint for an image builder, administrators can connect to the image builder only through that endpoint.
EndpointType (string) --
The type of interface endpoint.
VpceId (string) --
The identifier (ID) of the VPC in which the interface endpoint is used.
Associates the specified app block builder with the specified app block.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.associate_app_block_builder_app_block( AppBlockArn='string', AppBlockBuilderName='string' )
The ARN of the app block.
The name of the app block builder.
Response Syntax
{ 'AppBlockBuilderAppBlockAssociation': { 'AppBlockArn': 'string', 'AppBlockBuilderName': 'string' } }
Response Structure
(dict) --
AppBlockBuilderAppBlockAssociation (dict) --
The list of app block builders associated with app blocks.
AppBlockArn (string) --
The ARN of the app block.
AppBlockBuilderName (string) --
The name of the app block builder.
Retrieves a list that describes one or more app block builders.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.describe_app_block_builders( Names=[ 'string', ], NextToken='string', MaxResults=123 )
The names of the app block builders.
(string) --
The pagination token used to retrieve the next page of results for this operation.
The maximum size of each page of results. The maximum value is 25.
Response Syntax
Response Structure
(dict) --
AppBlockBuilders (list) --
The list that describes one or more app block builders.
(dict) --
Describes an app block builder.
Arn (string) --
The ARN of the app block builder.
Name (string) --
The name of the app block builder.
DisplayName (string) --
The display name of the app block builder.
Description (string) --
The description of the app block builder.
Platform (string) --
The platform of the app block builder.
WINDOWS_SERVER_2019 is the only valid value.
InstanceType (string) --
The instance type of the app block builder.
EnableDefaultInternetAccess (boolean) --
Indicates whether default internet access is enabled for the app block builder.
IamRoleArn (string) --
The ARN of the IAM role that is applied to the app block builder.
VpcConfig (dict) --
The VPC configuration for the app block builder.
SubnetIds (list) --
The identifiers of the subnets to which a network interface is attached from the fleet instance or image builder instance. Fleet instances use one or more subnets. Image builder instances use one subnet.
(string) --
SecurityGroupIds (list) --
The identifiers of the security groups for the fleet or image builder.
(string) --
State (string) --
The state of the app block builder.
CreatedTime (datetime) --
The creation time of the app block builder.
AppBlockBuilderErrors (list) --
The app block builder errors.
(dict) --
Describes a resource error.
ErrorCode (string) --
The error code.
ErrorMessage (string) --
The error message.
ErrorTimestamp (datetime) --
The time the error occurred.
StateChangeReason (dict) --
The state change reason.
Code (string) --
The state change reason code.
Message (string) --
The state change reason message.
AccessEndpoints (list) --
The list of interface VPC endpoint (interface endpoint) objects. Administrators can connect to the app block builder only through the specified endpoints.
(dict) --
Describes an interface VPC endpoint (interface endpoint) that lets you create a private connection between the virtual private cloud (VPC) that you specify and AppStream 2.0. When you specify an interface endpoint for a stack, users of the stack can connect to AppStream 2.0 only through that endpoint. When you specify an interface endpoint for an image builder, administrators can connect to the image builder only through that endpoint.
EndpointType (string) --
The type of interface endpoint.
VpceId (string) --
The identifier (ID) of the VPC in which the interface endpoint is used.
NextToken (string) --
The pagination token used to retrieve the next page of results for this operation.
Creates an app block builder.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.create_app_block_builder( Name='string', Description='string', DisplayName='string', Tags={ 'string': 'string' }, Platform='WINDOWS_SERVER_2019', InstanceType='string', VpcConfig={ 'SubnetIds': [ 'string', ], 'SecurityGroupIds': [ 'string', ] }, EnableDefaultInternetAccess=True|False, IamRoleArn='string', AccessEndpoints=[ { 'EndpointType': 'STREAMING', 'VpceId': 'string' }, ] )
The unique name for the app block builder.
The description of the app block builder.
The display name of the app block builder.
The tags to associate with the app block builder. A tag is a key-value pair, and the value is optional. For example, Environment=Test. If you do not specify a value, Environment=.
If you do not specify a value, the value is set to an empty string.
Generally allowed characters are: letters, numbers, and spaces representable in UTF-8, and the following special characters:
_ . : / = + - @
For more information, see Tagging Your Resources in the Amazon AppStream 2.0 Administration Guide .
(string) --
(string) --
The platform of the app block builder.
WINDOWS_SERVER_2019 is the only valid value.
The instance type to use when launching the app block builder. The following instance types are available:
The VPC configuration for the app block builder.
App block builders require that you specify at least two subnets in different availability zones.
SubnetIds (list) --
The identifiers of the subnets to which a network interface is attached from the fleet instance or image builder instance. Fleet instances use one or more subnets. Image builder instances use one subnet.
(string) --
SecurityGroupIds (list) --
The identifiers of the security groups for the fleet or image builder.
(string) --
Enables or disables default internet access for the app block builder.
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role to apply to the app block builder. To assume a role, the app block builder calls the AWS Security Token Service (STS) AssumeRole API operation and passes the ARN of the role to use. The operation creates a new session with temporary credentials. AppStream 2.0 retrieves the temporary credentials and creates the appstream_machine_role credential profile on the instance.
For more information, see Using an IAM Role to Grant Permissions to Applications and Scripts Running on AppStream 2.0 Streaming Instances in the Amazon AppStream 2.0 Administration Guide .
The list of interface VPC endpoint (interface endpoint) objects. Administrators can connect to the app block builder only through the specified endpoints.
(dict) --
Describes an interface VPC endpoint (interface endpoint) that lets you create a private connection between the virtual private cloud (VPC) that you specify and AppStream 2.0. When you specify an interface endpoint for a stack, users of the stack can connect to AppStream 2.0 only through that endpoint. When you specify an interface endpoint for an image builder, administrators can connect to the image builder only through that endpoint.
EndpointType (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The type of interface endpoint.
VpceId (string) --
The identifier (ID) of the VPC in which the interface endpoint is used.
Response Syntax
Response Structure
(dict) --
AppBlockBuilder (dict) --
Describes an app block builder.
Arn (string) --
The ARN of the app block builder.
Name (string) --
The name of the app block builder.
DisplayName (string) --
The display name of the app block builder.
Description (string) --
The description of the app block builder.
Platform (string) --
The platform of the app block builder.
WINDOWS_SERVER_2019 is the only valid value.
InstanceType (string) --
The instance type of the app block builder.
EnableDefaultInternetAccess (boolean) --
Indicates whether default internet access is enabled for the app block builder.
IamRoleArn (string) --
The ARN of the IAM role that is applied to the app block builder.
VpcConfig (dict) --
The VPC configuration for the app block builder.
SubnetIds (list) --
The identifiers of the subnets to which a network interface is attached from the fleet instance or image builder instance. Fleet instances use one or more subnets. Image builder instances use one subnet.
(string) --
SecurityGroupIds (list) --
The identifiers of the security groups for the fleet or image builder.
(string) --
State (string) --
The state of the app block builder.
CreatedTime (datetime) --
The creation time of the app block builder.
AppBlockBuilderErrors (list) --
The app block builder errors.
(dict) --
Describes a resource error.
ErrorCode (string) --
The error code.
ErrorMessage (string) --
The error message.
ErrorTimestamp (datetime) --
The time the error occurred.
StateChangeReason (dict) --
The state change reason.
Code (string) --
The state change reason code.
Message (string) --
The state change reason message.
AccessEndpoints (list) --
The list of interface VPC endpoint (interface endpoint) objects. Administrators can connect to the app block builder only through the specified endpoints.
(dict) --
Describes an interface VPC endpoint (interface endpoint) that lets you create a private connection between the virtual private cloud (VPC) that you specify and AppStream 2.0. When you specify an interface endpoint for a stack, users of the stack can connect to AppStream 2.0 only through that endpoint. When you specify an interface endpoint for an image builder, administrators can connect to the image builder only through that endpoint.
EndpointType (string) --
The type of interface endpoint.
VpceId (string) --
The identifier (ID) of the VPC in which the interface endpoint is used.
Disassociates a specified app block builder from a specified app block.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.disassociate_app_block_builder_app_block( AppBlockArn='string', AppBlockBuilderName='string' )
The ARN of the app block.
The name of the app block builder.
Response Syntax
Response Structure
(dict) --
{'PackagingType': 'CUSTOM | APPSTREAM2', 'PostSetupScriptDetails': {'ExecutableParameters': 'string', 'ExecutablePath': 'string', 'ScriptS3Location': {'S3Bucket': 'string', 'S3Key': 'string'}, 'TimeoutInSeconds': 'integer'}}Response
{'AppBlock': {'AppBlockErrors': [{'ErrorCode': 'string', 'ErrorMessage': 'string'}], 'PackagingType': 'CUSTOM | APPSTREAM2', 'PostSetupScriptDetails': {'ExecutableParameters': 'string', 'ExecutablePath': 'string', 'ScriptS3Location': {'S3Bucket': 'string', 'S3Key': 'string'}, 'TimeoutInSeconds': 'integer'}, 'State': 'INACTIVE | ACTIVE'}}
Creates an app block.
App blocks are an Amazon AppStream 2.0 resource that stores the details about the virtual hard disk in an S3 bucket. It also stores the setup script with details about how to mount the virtual hard disk. The virtual hard disk includes the application binaries and other files necessary to launch your applications. Multiple applications can be assigned to a single app block.
This is only supported for Elastic fleets.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.create_app_block( Name='string', Description='string', DisplayName='string', SourceS3Location={ 'S3Bucket': 'string', 'S3Key': 'string' }, SetupScriptDetails={ 'ScriptS3Location': { 'S3Bucket': 'string', 'S3Key': 'string' }, 'ExecutablePath': 'string', 'ExecutableParameters': 'string', 'TimeoutInSeconds': 123 }, Tags={ 'string': 'string' }, PostSetupScriptDetails={ 'ScriptS3Location': { 'S3Bucket': 'string', 'S3Key': 'string' }, 'ExecutablePath': 'string', 'ExecutableParameters': 'string', 'TimeoutInSeconds': 123 }, PackagingType='CUSTOM'|'APPSTREAM2' )
The name of the app block.
The description of the app block.
The display name of the app block. This is not displayed to the user.
The source S3 location of the app block.
S3Bucket (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The S3 bucket of the S3 object.
S3Key (string) --
The S3 key of the S3 object.
This is required when used for the following:
IconS3Location (Actions: CreateApplication and UpdateApplication)
SessionScriptS3Location (Actions: CreateFleet and UpdateFleet)
ScriptDetails (Actions: CreateAppBlock)
SourceS3Location when creating an app block with CUSTOM PackagingType (Actions: CreateAppBlock)
SourceS3Location when creating an app block with APPSTREAM2 PackagingType, and using an existing application package (VHD file). In this case, S3Key refers to the VHD file. If a new application package is required, then S3Key is not required. (Actions: CreateAppBlock)
The setup script details of the app block. This must be provided for the CUSTOM PackagingType.
ScriptS3Location (dict) -- [REQUIRED]
The S3 object location for the script.
S3Bucket (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The S3 bucket of the S3 object.
S3Key (string) --
The S3 key of the S3 object.
This is required when used for the following:
IconS3Location (Actions: CreateApplication and UpdateApplication)
SessionScriptS3Location (Actions: CreateFleet and UpdateFleet)
ScriptDetails (Actions: CreateAppBlock)
SourceS3Location when creating an app block with CUSTOM PackagingType (Actions: CreateAppBlock)
SourceS3Location when creating an app block with APPSTREAM2 PackagingType, and using an existing application package (VHD file). In this case, S3Key refers to the VHD file. If a new application package is required, then S3Key is not required. (Actions: CreateAppBlock)
ExecutablePath (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The run path for the script.
ExecutableParameters (string) --
The runtime parameters passed to the run path for the script.
TimeoutInSeconds (integer) -- [REQUIRED]
The run timeout, in seconds, for the script.
The tags assigned to the app block.
(string) --
(string) --
The post setup script details of the app block. This can only be provided for the APPSTREAM2 PackagingType.
ScriptS3Location (dict) -- [REQUIRED]
The S3 object location for the script.
S3Bucket (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The S3 bucket of the S3 object.
S3Key (string) --
The S3 key of the S3 object.
This is required when used for the following:
IconS3Location (Actions: CreateApplication and UpdateApplication)
SessionScriptS3Location (Actions: CreateFleet and UpdateFleet)
ScriptDetails (Actions: CreateAppBlock)
SourceS3Location when creating an app block with CUSTOM PackagingType (Actions: CreateAppBlock)
SourceS3Location when creating an app block with APPSTREAM2 PackagingType, and using an existing application package (VHD file). In this case, S3Key refers to the VHD file. If a new application package is required, then S3Key is not required. (Actions: CreateAppBlock)
ExecutablePath (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The run path for the script.
ExecutableParameters (string) --
The runtime parameters passed to the run path for the script.
TimeoutInSeconds (integer) -- [REQUIRED]
The run timeout, in seconds, for the script.
The packaging type of the app block.
Response Syntax
{ 'AppBlock': { 'Name': 'string', 'Arn': 'string', 'Description': 'string', 'DisplayName': 'string', 'SourceS3Location': { 'S3Bucket': 'string', 'S3Key': 'string' }, 'SetupScriptDetails': { 'ScriptS3Location': { 'S3Bucket': 'string', 'S3Key': 'string' }, 'ExecutablePath': 'string', 'ExecutableParameters': 'string', 'TimeoutInSeconds': 123 }, 'CreatedTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'PostSetupScriptDetails': { 'ScriptS3Location': { 'S3Bucket': 'string', 'S3Key': 'string' }, 'ExecutablePath': 'string', 'ExecutableParameters': 'string', 'TimeoutInSeconds': 123 }, 'PackagingType': 'CUSTOM'|'APPSTREAM2', 'State': 'INACTIVE'|'ACTIVE', 'AppBlockErrors': [ { 'ErrorCode': 'string', 'ErrorMessage': 'string' }, ] } }
Response Structure
(dict) --
AppBlock (dict) --
The app block.
Name (string) --
The name of the app block.
Arn (string) --
The ARN of the app block.
Description (string) --
The description of the app block.
DisplayName (string) --
The display name of the app block.
SourceS3Location (dict) --
The source S3 location of the app block.
S3Bucket (string) --
The S3 bucket of the S3 object.
S3Key (string) --
The S3 key of the S3 object.
This is required when used for the following:
IconS3Location (Actions: CreateApplication and UpdateApplication)
SessionScriptS3Location (Actions: CreateFleet and UpdateFleet)
ScriptDetails (Actions: CreateAppBlock)
SourceS3Location when creating an app block with CUSTOM PackagingType (Actions: CreateAppBlock)
SourceS3Location when creating an app block with APPSTREAM2 PackagingType, and using an existing application package (VHD file). In this case, S3Key refers to the VHD file. If a new application package is required, then S3Key is not required. (Actions: CreateAppBlock)
SetupScriptDetails (dict) --
The setup script details of the app block.
This only applies to app blocks with PackagingType CUSTOM .
ScriptS3Location (dict) --
The S3 object location for the script.
S3Bucket (string) --
The S3 bucket of the S3 object.
S3Key (string) --
The S3 key of the S3 object.
This is required when used for the following:
IconS3Location (Actions: CreateApplication and UpdateApplication)
SessionScriptS3Location (Actions: CreateFleet and UpdateFleet)
ScriptDetails (Actions: CreateAppBlock)
SourceS3Location when creating an app block with CUSTOM PackagingType (Actions: CreateAppBlock)
SourceS3Location when creating an app block with APPSTREAM2 PackagingType, and using an existing application package (VHD file). In this case, S3Key refers to the VHD file. If a new application package is required, then S3Key is not required. (Actions: CreateAppBlock)
ExecutablePath (string) --
The run path for the script.
ExecutableParameters (string) --
The runtime parameters passed to the run path for the script.
TimeoutInSeconds (integer) --
The run timeout, in seconds, for the script.
CreatedTime (datetime) --
The created time of the app block.
PostSetupScriptDetails (dict) --
The post setup script details of the app block.
This only applies to app blocks with PackagingType APPSTREAM2 .
ScriptS3Location (dict) --
The S3 object location for the script.
S3Bucket (string) --
The S3 bucket of the S3 object.
S3Key (string) --
The S3 key of the S3 object.
This is required when used for the following:
IconS3Location (Actions: CreateApplication and UpdateApplication)
SessionScriptS3Location (Actions: CreateFleet and UpdateFleet)
ScriptDetails (Actions: CreateAppBlock)
SourceS3Location when creating an app block with CUSTOM PackagingType (Actions: CreateAppBlock)
SourceS3Location when creating an app block with APPSTREAM2 PackagingType, and using an existing application package (VHD file). In this case, S3Key refers to the VHD file. If a new application package is required, then S3Key is not required. (Actions: CreateAppBlock)
ExecutablePath (string) --
The run path for the script.
ExecutableParameters (string) --
The runtime parameters passed to the run path for the script.
TimeoutInSeconds (integer) --
The run timeout, in seconds, for the script.
PackagingType (string) --
The packaging type of the app block.
State (string) --
The state of the app block.
An app block with AppStream 2.0 packaging will be in the INACTIVE state if no application package (VHD) is assigned to it. After an application package (VHD) is created by an app block builder for an app block, it becomes ACTIVE .
Custom app blocks are always in the ACTIVE state and no action is required to use them.
AppBlockErrors (list) --
The errors of the app block.
(dict) --
The error details.
ErrorCode (string) --
The error code.
ErrorMessage (string) --
The error message.
{'AppBlocks': {'AppBlockErrors': [{'ErrorCode': 'string', 'ErrorMessage': 'string'}], 'PackagingType': 'CUSTOM | APPSTREAM2', 'PostSetupScriptDetails': {'ExecutableParameters': 'string', 'ExecutablePath': 'string', 'ScriptS3Location': {'S3Bucket': 'string', 'S3Key': 'string'}, 'TimeoutInSeconds': 'integer'}, 'State': 'INACTIVE | ACTIVE'}}
Retrieves a list that describes one or more app blocks.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.describe_app_blocks( Arns=[ 'string', ], NextToken='string', MaxResults=123 )
The ARNs of the app blocks.
(string) --
The pagination token used to retrieve the next page of results for this operation.
The maximum size of each page of results.
Response Syntax
{ 'AppBlocks': [ { 'Name': 'string', 'Arn': 'string', 'Description': 'string', 'DisplayName': 'string', 'SourceS3Location': { 'S3Bucket': 'string', 'S3Key': 'string' }, 'SetupScriptDetails': { 'ScriptS3Location': { 'S3Bucket': 'string', 'S3Key': 'string' }, 'ExecutablePath': 'string', 'ExecutableParameters': 'string', 'TimeoutInSeconds': 123 }, 'CreatedTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'PostSetupScriptDetails': { 'ScriptS3Location': { 'S3Bucket': 'string', 'S3Key': 'string' }, 'ExecutablePath': 'string', 'ExecutableParameters': 'string', 'TimeoutInSeconds': 123 }, 'PackagingType': 'CUSTOM'|'APPSTREAM2', 'State': 'INACTIVE'|'ACTIVE', 'AppBlockErrors': [ { 'ErrorCode': 'string', 'ErrorMessage': 'string' }, ] }, ], 'NextToken': 'string' }
Response Structure
(dict) --
AppBlocks (list) --
The app blocks in the list.
(dict) --
Describes an app block.
App blocks are an Amazon AppStream 2.0 resource that stores the details about the virtual hard disk in an S3 bucket. It also stores the setup script with details about how to mount the virtual hard disk. The virtual hard disk includes the application binaries and other files necessary to launch your applications. Multiple applications can be assigned to a single app block.
This is only supported for Elastic fleets.
Name (string) --
The name of the app block.
Arn (string) --
The ARN of the app block.
Description (string) --
The description of the app block.
DisplayName (string) --
The display name of the app block.
SourceS3Location (dict) --
The source S3 location of the app block.
S3Bucket (string) --
The S3 bucket of the S3 object.
S3Key (string) --
The S3 key of the S3 object.
This is required when used for the following:
IconS3Location (Actions: CreateApplication and UpdateApplication)
SessionScriptS3Location (Actions: CreateFleet and UpdateFleet)
ScriptDetails (Actions: CreateAppBlock)
SourceS3Location when creating an app block with CUSTOM PackagingType (Actions: CreateAppBlock)
SourceS3Location when creating an app block with APPSTREAM2 PackagingType, and using an existing application package (VHD file). In this case, S3Key refers to the VHD file. If a new application package is required, then S3Key is not required. (Actions: CreateAppBlock)
SetupScriptDetails (dict) --
The setup script details of the app block.
This only applies to app blocks with PackagingType CUSTOM .
ScriptS3Location (dict) --
The S3 object location for the script.
S3Bucket (string) --
The S3 bucket of the S3 object.
S3Key (string) --
The S3 key of the S3 object.
This is required when used for the following:
IconS3Location (Actions: CreateApplication and UpdateApplication)
SessionScriptS3Location (Actions: CreateFleet and UpdateFleet)
ScriptDetails (Actions: CreateAppBlock)
SourceS3Location when creating an app block with CUSTOM PackagingType (Actions: CreateAppBlock)
SourceS3Location when creating an app block with APPSTREAM2 PackagingType, and using an existing application package (VHD file). In this case, S3Key refers to the VHD file. If a new application package is required, then S3Key is not required. (Actions: CreateAppBlock)
ExecutablePath (string) --
The run path for the script.
ExecutableParameters (string) --
The runtime parameters passed to the run path for the script.
TimeoutInSeconds (integer) --
The run timeout, in seconds, for the script.
CreatedTime (datetime) --
The created time of the app block.
PostSetupScriptDetails (dict) --
The post setup script details of the app block.
This only applies to app blocks with PackagingType APPSTREAM2 .
ScriptS3Location (dict) --
The S3 object location for the script.
S3Bucket (string) --
The S3 bucket of the S3 object.
S3Key (string) --
The S3 key of the S3 object.
This is required when used for the following:
IconS3Location (Actions: CreateApplication and UpdateApplication)
SessionScriptS3Location (Actions: CreateFleet and UpdateFleet)
ScriptDetails (Actions: CreateAppBlock)
SourceS3Location when creating an app block with CUSTOM PackagingType (Actions: CreateAppBlock)
SourceS3Location when creating an app block with APPSTREAM2 PackagingType, and using an existing application package (VHD file). In this case, S3Key refers to the VHD file. If a new application package is required, then S3Key is not required. (Actions: CreateAppBlock)
ExecutablePath (string) --
The run path for the script.
ExecutableParameters (string) --
The runtime parameters passed to the run path for the script.
TimeoutInSeconds (integer) --
The run timeout, in seconds, for the script.
PackagingType (string) --
The packaging type of the app block.
State (string) --
The state of the app block.
An app block with AppStream 2.0 packaging will be in the INACTIVE state if no application package (VHD) is assigned to it. After an application package (VHD) is created by an app block builder for an app block, it becomes ACTIVE .
Custom app blocks are always in the ACTIVE state and no action is required to use them.
AppBlockErrors (list) --
The errors of the app block.
(dict) --
The error details.
ErrorCode (string) --
The error code.
ErrorMessage (string) --
The error message.
NextToken (string) --
The pagination token used to retrieve the next page of results for this operation.