Amazon Connect Service

2018/03/30 - Amazon Connect Service - 2 new api methods

Changes  Update connect client to latest version

StartOutboundVoiceContact (new) Link ¶

The StartOutboundVoiceContact operation initiates a contact flow to place an outbound call to a customer.

There is a throttling limit placed on usage of the API that includes a RateLimit of 2 per second, and a BurstLimit of 5 per second.

If you are using an IAM account, it must have permissions to the connect:StartOutboundVoiceContact action.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

        'string': 'string'
type DestinationPhoneNumber


param DestinationPhoneNumber


The phone number, in E.164 format, of the customer to call with the outbound contact.

type ContactFlowId


param ContactFlowId


The identifier for the contact flow to execute for the outbound call. This is a GUID value only. Amazon Resource Name (ARN) values are not supported.

To find the ContactFlowId , open the contact flow to use in the Amazon Connect contact flow designer. The ID for the contact flow is displayed in the address bar as part of the URL. For example, an address displayed when you open a contact flow is similar to the following: . At the end of the URL, you see contact-flow/b0b8f2dd-ed1b-4c44-af36-ce189a178181 . The ContactFlowID for this contact flow is b0b8f2dd-ed1b-4c44-af36-ce189a178181 . Make sure to include only the GUID after the "contact-flow/" in your requests.

type InstanceId


param InstanceId


The identifier for your Amazon Connect instance. To find the InstanceId value for your Amazon Connect instance, open the Amazon Connect console. Select the instance alias of the instance and view the instance ID in the Overview section. For example, the instance ID is the set of characters at the end of the instance ARN, after "instance/", such as 10a4c4eb-f57e-4d4c-b602-bf39176ced07.

type ClientToken


param ClientToken

A unique, case-sensitive identifier that you provide to ensure the idempotency of the request. The token is valid for 7 days after creation. If a contact is already started, the contact ID is returned. If the contact is disconnected, a new contact is started.

This field is autopopulated if not provided.

type SourcePhoneNumber


param SourcePhoneNumber

The phone number, in E.164 format, associated with your Amazon Connect instance to use to place the outbound call.

type QueueId


param QueueId

The queue to which to add the call. If you specify a queue, the phone displayed for caller ID is the phone number defined for the queue. If you do not specify a queue, the queue used is the queue defined in the contact flow specified by ContactFlowId .

To find the QueueId , open the queue to use in the Amazon Connect queue editor. The ID for the queue is displayed in the address bar as part of the URL. For example, the QueueId value is the set of characters at the end of the URL, after "queue/", such as aeg40574-2d01-51c3-73d6-bf8624d2168c .

type Attributes


param Attributes

Specify a custom key-value pair using an attribute map. The attributes are standard Amazon Connect attributes, and can be accessed in contact flows just like any other contact attributes.

There can be up to 32,768 UTF-8 bytes across all key-value pairs. Attribute keys can include only alphanumeric, dash, and underscore characters.

For example, to play a greeting when the customer answers the call, you can pass the customer name in attributes similar to the following:

  • (string) -- Key for the key value pair to be used for additional attributes.

    • (string) -- Value for the key value pair to be used for additional attributes.




Response Syntax

    'ContactId': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • ContactId (string) --

      The unique identifier of this contact within your Amazon Connect instance.

StopContact (new) Link ¶

Ends the contact initiated by the StartOutboundVoiceContact operation.

If you are using an IAM account, it must have permissions to the connect:StopContact operation.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

type ContactId


param ContactId


The unique identifier of the contact to end. This is the ContactId value returned from the StartOutboundVoiceContact operation.

type InstanceId


param InstanceId


The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance in which the contact is active.




Response Syntax


Response Structure

  • (dict) --