2021/11/19 - Amazon AppStream - 10 new 6 updated api methods
Changes Includes APIs for managing resources for Elastic fleets: applications, app blocks, and application-fleet associations.
Deletes an app block.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.delete_app_block( Name='string' )
The name of the app block.
Response Syntax
Response Structure
(dict) --
Retrieves a list that describes one or more applications.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.describe_applications( Arns=[ 'string', ], NextToken='string', MaxResults=123 )
The ARNs for the applications.
(string) --
The pagination token used to retrieve the next page of results for this operation.
The maximum size of each page of results.
Response Syntax
{ 'Applications': [ { 'Name': 'string', 'DisplayName': 'string', 'IconURL': 'string', 'LaunchPath': 'string', 'LaunchParameters': 'string', 'Enabled': True|False, 'Metadata': { 'string': 'string' }, 'WorkingDirectory': 'string', 'Description': 'string', 'Arn': 'string', 'AppBlockArn': 'string', 'IconS3Location': { 'S3Bucket': 'string', 'S3Key': 'string' }, 'Platforms': [ 'WINDOWS'|'WINDOWS_SERVER_2016'|'WINDOWS_SERVER_2019'|'AMAZON_LINUX2', ], 'InstanceFamilies': [ 'string', ], 'CreatedTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1) }, ], 'NextToken': 'string' }
Response Structure
(dict) --
Applications (list) --
The applications in the list.
(dict) --
Describes an application in the application catalog.
Name (string) --
The name of the application.
DisplayName (string) --
The application name to display.
IconURL (string) --
The URL for the application icon. This URL might be time-limited.
LaunchPath (string) --
The path to the application executable in the instance.
LaunchParameters (string) --
The arguments that are passed to the application at launch.
Enabled (boolean) --
If there is a problem, the application can be disabled after image creation.
Metadata (dict) --
Additional attributes that describe the application.
(string) --
(string) --
WorkingDirectory (string) --
The working directory for the application.
Description (string) --
The description of the application.
Arn (string) --
The ARN of the application.
AppBlockArn (string) --
The app block ARN of the application.
IconS3Location (dict) --
The S3 location of the application icon.
S3Bucket (string) --
The S3 bucket of the S3 object.
S3Key (string) --
The S3 key of the S3 object.
Platforms (list) --
The platforms on which the application can run.
(string) --
InstanceFamilies (list) --
The instance families for the application.
(string) --
CreatedTime (datetime) --
The time at which the application was created within the app block.
NextToken (string) --
The pagination token used to retrieve the next page of results for this operation.
Associates the specified application with the specified fleet. This is only supported for Elastic fleets.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.associate_application_fleet( FleetName='string', ApplicationArn='string' )
The name of the fleet.
The ARN of the application.
Response Syntax
{ 'ApplicationFleetAssociation': { 'FleetName': 'string', 'ApplicationArn': 'string' } }
Response Structure
(dict) --
ApplicationFleetAssociation (dict) --
If fleet name is specified, this returns the list of applications that are associated to it. If application ARN is specified, this returns the list of fleets to which it is associated.
FleetName (string) --
The name of the fleet associated with the application.
ApplicationArn (string) --
The ARN of the application associated with the fleet.
Disassociates the specified application from the fleet.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.disassociate_application_fleet( FleetName='string', ApplicationArn='string' )
The name of the fleet.
The ARN of the application.
Response Syntax
Response Structure
(dict) --
Creates an application.
Applications are an Amazon AppStream 2.0 resource that stores the details about how to launch applications on Elastic fleet streaming instances. An application consists of the launch details, icon, and display name. Applications are associated with an app block that contains the application binaries and other files. The applications assigned to an Elastic fleet are the applications users can launch.
This is only supported for Elastic fleets.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.create_application( Name='string', DisplayName='string', Description='string', IconS3Location={ 'S3Bucket': 'string', 'S3Key': 'string' }, LaunchPath='string', WorkingDirectory='string', LaunchParameters='string', Platforms=[ 'WINDOWS'|'WINDOWS_SERVER_2016'|'WINDOWS_SERVER_2019'|'AMAZON_LINUX2', ], InstanceFamilies=[ 'string', ], AppBlockArn='string', Tags={ 'string': 'string' } )
The name of the application. This name is visible to users when display name is not specified.
The display name of the application. This name is visible to users in the application catalog.
The description of the application.
The location in S3 of the application icon.
S3Bucket (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The S3 bucket of the S3 object.
S3Key (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The S3 key of the S3 object.
The launch path of the application.
The working directory of the application.
The launch parameters of the application.
The platforms the application supports. WINDOWS_SERVER_2019 and AMAZON_LINUX2 are supported for Elastic fleets.
(string) --
The instance families the application supports. Valid values are GENERAL_PURPOSE and GRAPHICS_G4.
(string) --
The app block ARN to which the application should be associated
The tags assigned to the application.
(string) --
(string) --
Response Syntax
{ 'Application': { 'Name': 'string', 'DisplayName': 'string', 'IconURL': 'string', 'LaunchPath': 'string', 'LaunchParameters': 'string', 'Enabled': True|False, 'Metadata': { 'string': 'string' }, 'WorkingDirectory': 'string', 'Description': 'string', 'Arn': 'string', 'AppBlockArn': 'string', 'IconS3Location': { 'S3Bucket': 'string', 'S3Key': 'string' }, 'Platforms': [ 'WINDOWS'|'WINDOWS_SERVER_2016'|'WINDOWS_SERVER_2019'|'AMAZON_LINUX2', ], 'InstanceFamilies': [ 'string', ], 'CreatedTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1) } }
Response Structure
(dict) --
Application (dict) --
Describes an application in the application catalog.
Name (string) --
The name of the application.
DisplayName (string) --
The application name to display.
IconURL (string) --
The URL for the application icon. This URL might be time-limited.
LaunchPath (string) --
The path to the application executable in the instance.
LaunchParameters (string) --
The arguments that are passed to the application at launch.
Enabled (boolean) --
If there is a problem, the application can be disabled after image creation.
Metadata (dict) --
Additional attributes that describe the application.
(string) --
(string) --
WorkingDirectory (string) --
The working directory for the application.
Description (string) --
The description of the application.
Arn (string) --
The ARN of the application.
AppBlockArn (string) --
The app block ARN of the application.
IconS3Location (dict) --
The S3 location of the application icon.
S3Bucket (string) --
The S3 bucket of the S3 object.
S3Key (string) --
The S3 key of the S3 object.
Platforms (list) --
The platforms on which the application can run.
(string) --
InstanceFamilies (list) --
The instance families for the application.
(string) --
CreatedTime (datetime) --
The time at which the application was created within the app block.
Updates the specified application.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.update_application( Name='string', DisplayName='string', Description='string', IconS3Location={ 'S3Bucket': 'string', 'S3Key': 'string' }, LaunchPath='string', WorkingDirectory='string', LaunchParameters='string', AppBlockArn='string', AttributesToDelete=[ 'LAUNCH_PARAMETERS'|'WORKING_DIRECTORY', ] )
The name of the application. This name is visible to users when display name is not specified.
The display name of the application. This name is visible to users in the application catalog.
The description of the application.
The icon S3 location of the application.
S3Bucket (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The S3 bucket of the S3 object.
S3Key (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The S3 key of the S3 object.
The launch path of the application.
The working directory of the application.
The launch parameters of the application.
The ARN of the app block.
The attributes to delete for an application.
(string) --
Response Syntax
{ 'Application': { 'Name': 'string', 'DisplayName': 'string', 'IconURL': 'string', 'LaunchPath': 'string', 'LaunchParameters': 'string', 'Enabled': True|False, 'Metadata': { 'string': 'string' }, 'WorkingDirectory': 'string', 'Description': 'string', 'Arn': 'string', 'AppBlockArn': 'string', 'IconS3Location': { 'S3Bucket': 'string', 'S3Key': 'string' }, 'Platforms': [ 'WINDOWS'|'WINDOWS_SERVER_2016'|'WINDOWS_SERVER_2019'|'AMAZON_LINUX2', ], 'InstanceFamilies': [ 'string', ], 'CreatedTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1) } }
Response Structure
(dict) --
Application (dict) --
Describes an application in the application catalog.
Name (string) --
The name of the application.
DisplayName (string) --
The application name to display.
IconURL (string) --
The URL for the application icon. This URL might be time-limited.
LaunchPath (string) --
The path to the application executable in the instance.
LaunchParameters (string) --
The arguments that are passed to the application at launch.
Enabled (boolean) --
If there is a problem, the application can be disabled after image creation.
Metadata (dict) --
Additional attributes that describe the application.
(string) --
(string) --
WorkingDirectory (string) --
The working directory for the application.
Description (string) --
The description of the application.
Arn (string) --
The ARN of the application.
AppBlockArn (string) --
The app block ARN of the application.
IconS3Location (dict) --
The S3 location of the application icon.
S3Bucket (string) --
The S3 bucket of the S3 object.
S3Key (string) --
The S3 key of the S3 object.
Platforms (list) --
The platforms on which the application can run.
(string) --
InstanceFamilies (list) --
The instance families for the application.
(string) --
CreatedTime (datetime) --
The time at which the application was created within the app block.
Deletes an application.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.delete_application( Name='string' )
The name of the application.
Response Syntax
Response Structure
(dict) --
Retrieves a list that describes one or more app blocks.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.describe_app_blocks( Arns=[ 'string', ], NextToken='string', MaxResults=123 )
The ARNs of the app blocks.
(string) --
The pagination token used to retrieve the next page of results for this operation.
The maximum size of each page of results.
Response Syntax
{ 'AppBlocks': [ { 'Name': 'string', 'Arn': 'string', 'Description': 'string', 'DisplayName': 'string', 'SourceS3Location': { 'S3Bucket': 'string', 'S3Key': 'string' }, 'SetupScriptDetails': { 'ScriptS3Location': { 'S3Bucket': 'string', 'S3Key': 'string' }, 'ExecutablePath': 'string', 'ExecutableParameters': 'string', 'TimeoutInSeconds': 123 }, 'CreatedTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1) }, ], 'NextToken': 'string' }
Response Structure
(dict) --
AppBlocks (list) --
The app blocks in the list.
(dict) --
Describes an app block.
App blocks are an Amazon AppStream 2.0 resource that stores the details about the virtual hard disk in an S3 bucket. It also stores the setup script with details about how to mount the virtual hard disk. The virtual hard disk includes the application binaries and other files necessary to launch your applications. Multiple applications can be assigned to a single app block.
This is only supported for Elastic fleets.
Name (string) --
The name of the app block.
Arn (string) --
The ARN of the app block.
Description (string) --
The description of the app block.
DisplayName (string) --
The display name of the app block.
SourceS3Location (dict) --
The source S3 location of the app block.
S3Bucket (string) --
The S3 bucket of the S3 object.
S3Key (string) --
The S3 key of the S3 object.
SetupScriptDetails (dict) --
The setup script details of the app block.
ScriptS3Location (dict) --
The S3 object location for the script.
S3Bucket (string) --
The S3 bucket of the S3 object.
S3Key (string) --
The S3 key of the S3 object.
ExecutablePath (string) --
The run path for the script.
ExecutableParameters (string) --
The runtime parameters passed to the run path for the script.
TimeoutInSeconds (integer) --
The run timeout, in seconds, for the script.
CreatedTime (datetime) --
The created time of the app block.
NextToken (string) --
The pagination token used to retrieve the next page of results for this operation.
Creates an app block.
App blocks are an Amazon AppStream 2.0 resource that stores the details about the virtual hard disk in an S3 bucket. It also stores the setup script with details about how to mount the virtual hard disk. The virtual hard disk includes the application binaries and other files necessary to launch your applications. Multiple applications can be assigned to a single app block.
This is only supported for Elastic fleets.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.create_app_block( Name='string', Description='string', DisplayName='string', SourceS3Location={ 'S3Bucket': 'string', 'S3Key': 'string' }, SetupScriptDetails={ 'ScriptS3Location': { 'S3Bucket': 'string', 'S3Key': 'string' }, 'ExecutablePath': 'string', 'ExecutableParameters': 'string', 'TimeoutInSeconds': 123 }, Tags={ 'string': 'string' } )
The name of the app block.
The description of the app block.
The display name of the app block. This is not displayed to the user.
The source S3 location of the app block.
S3Bucket (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The S3 bucket of the S3 object.
S3Key (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The S3 key of the S3 object.
The setup script details of the app block.
ScriptS3Location (dict) -- [REQUIRED]
The S3 object location for the script.
S3Bucket (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The S3 bucket of the S3 object.
S3Key (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The S3 key of the S3 object.
ExecutablePath (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The run path for the script.
ExecutableParameters (string) --
The runtime parameters passed to the run path for the script.
TimeoutInSeconds (integer) -- [REQUIRED]
The run timeout, in seconds, for the script.
The tags assigned to the app block.
(string) --
(string) --
Response Syntax
{ 'AppBlock': { 'Name': 'string', 'Arn': 'string', 'Description': 'string', 'DisplayName': 'string', 'SourceS3Location': { 'S3Bucket': 'string', 'S3Key': 'string' }, 'SetupScriptDetails': { 'ScriptS3Location': { 'S3Bucket': 'string', 'S3Key': 'string' }, 'ExecutablePath': 'string', 'ExecutableParameters': 'string', 'TimeoutInSeconds': 123 }, 'CreatedTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1) } }
Response Structure
(dict) --
AppBlock (dict) --
The app block.
Name (string) --
The name of the app block.
Arn (string) --
The ARN of the app block.
Description (string) --
The description of the app block.
DisplayName (string) --
The display name of the app block.
SourceS3Location (dict) --
The source S3 location of the app block.
S3Bucket (string) --
The S3 bucket of the S3 object.
S3Key (string) --
The S3 key of the S3 object.
SetupScriptDetails (dict) --
The setup script details of the app block.
ScriptS3Location (dict) --
The S3 object location for the script.
S3Bucket (string) --
The S3 bucket of the S3 object.
S3Key (string) --
The S3 key of the S3 object.
ExecutablePath (string) --
The run path for the script.
ExecutableParameters (string) --
The runtime parameters passed to the run path for the script.
TimeoutInSeconds (integer) --
The run timeout, in seconds, for the script.
CreatedTime (datetime) --
The created time of the app block.
Retrieves a list that describes one or more application fleet associations. Either ApplicationArn or FleetName must be specified.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.describe_application_fleet_associations( FleetName='string', ApplicationArn='string', MaxResults=123, NextToken='string' )
The name of the fleet.
The ARN of the application.
The maximum size of each page of results.
The pagination token used to retrieve the next page of results for this operation.
Response Syntax
{ 'ApplicationFleetAssociations': [ { 'FleetName': 'string', 'ApplicationArn': 'string' }, ], 'NextToken': 'string' }
Response Structure
(dict) --
ApplicationFleetAssociations (list) --
The application fleet associations in the list.
(dict) --
Describes the application fleet association.
FleetName (string) --
The name of the fleet associated with the application.
ApplicationArn (string) --
The ARN of the application associated with the fleet.
NextToken (string) --
The pagination token used to retrieve the next page of results for this operation.
{'FleetType': {'ELASTIC'}, 'MaxConcurrentSessions': 'integer', 'Platform': 'WINDOWS | WINDOWS_SERVER_2016 | WINDOWS_SERVER_2019 | ' 'AMAZON_LINUX2', 'UsbDeviceFilterStrings': ['string']}Response
{'Fleet': {'FleetType': {'ELASTIC'}, 'MaxConcurrentSessions': 'integer', 'Platform': 'WINDOWS | WINDOWS_SERVER_2016 | WINDOWS_SERVER_2019 | ' 'AMAZON_LINUX2', 'UsbDeviceFilterStrings': ['string']}}
Creates a fleet. A fleet consists of streaming instances that run a specified image when using Always-On or On-Demand.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.create_fleet( Name='string', ImageName='string', ImageArn='string', InstanceType='string', FleetType='ALWAYS_ON'|'ON_DEMAND'|'ELASTIC', ComputeCapacity={ 'DesiredInstances': 123 }, VpcConfig={ 'SubnetIds': [ 'string', ], 'SecurityGroupIds': [ 'string', ] }, MaxUserDurationInSeconds=123, DisconnectTimeoutInSeconds=123, Description='string', DisplayName='string', EnableDefaultInternetAccess=True|False, DomainJoinInfo={ 'DirectoryName': 'string', 'OrganizationalUnitDistinguishedName': 'string' }, Tags={ 'string': 'string' }, IdleDisconnectTimeoutInSeconds=123, IamRoleArn='string', StreamView='APP'|'DESKTOP', Platform='WINDOWS'|'WINDOWS_SERVER_2016'|'WINDOWS_SERVER_2019'|'AMAZON_LINUX2', MaxConcurrentSessions=123, UsbDeviceFilterStrings=[ 'string', ] )
A unique name for the fleet.
The name of the image used to create the fleet.
The ARN of the public, private, or shared image to use.
The instance type to use when launching fleet instances. The following instance types are available:
The following instance types are available for Elastic fleets:
The fleet type.
Provides users with instant-on access to their apps. You are charged for all running instances in your fleet, even if no users are streaming apps.
Provide users with access to applications after they connect, which takes one to two minutes. You are charged for instance streaming when users are connected and a small hourly fee for instances that are not streaming apps.
The desired capacity for the fleet. This is not allowed for Elastic fleets. For Elastic fleets, specify MaxConcurrentSessions instead.
DesiredInstances (integer) -- [REQUIRED]
The desired number of streaming instances.
The VPC configuration for the fleet. This is required for Elastic fleets, but not required for other fleet types. Elastic fleets require that you specify at least two subnets in different availability zones.
SubnetIds (list) --
The identifiers of the subnets to which a network interface is attached from the fleet instance or image builder instance. Fleet instances use one or more subnets. Image builder instances use one subnet.
(string) --
SecurityGroupIds (list) --
The identifiers of the security groups for the fleet or image builder.
(string) --
The maximum amount of time that a streaming session can remain active, in seconds. If users are still connected to a streaming instance five minutes before this limit is reached, they are prompted to save any open documents before being disconnected. After this time elapses, the instance is terminated and replaced by a new instance.
Specify a value between 600 and 360000.
The amount of time that a streaming session remains active after users disconnect. If users try to reconnect to the streaming session after a disconnection or network interruption within this time interval, they are connected to their previous session. Otherwise, they are connected to a new session with a new streaming instance.
Specify a value between 60 and 360000.
The description to display.
The fleet name to display.
Enables or disables default internet access for the fleet.
The name of the directory and organizational unit (OU) to use to join the fleet to a Microsoft Active Directory domain. This is not allowed for Elastic fleets.
DirectoryName (string) --
The fully qualified name of the directory (for example, corp.example.com).
OrganizationalUnitDistinguishedName (string) --
The distinguished name of the organizational unit for computer accounts.
The tags to associate with the fleet. A tag is a key-value pair, and the value is optional. For example, Environment=Test. If you do not specify a value, Environment=.
If you do not specify a value, the value is set to an empty string.
Generally allowed characters are: letters, numbers, and spaces representable in UTF-8, and the following special characters:
_ . : / = + - @
For more information, see Tagging Your Resources in the Amazon AppStream 2.0 Administration Guide .
(string) --
(string) --
The amount of time that users can be idle (inactive) before they are disconnected from their streaming session and the DisconnectTimeoutInSeconds time interval begins. Users are notified before they are disconnected due to inactivity. If they try to reconnect to the streaming session before the time interval specified in DisconnectTimeoutInSeconds elapses, they are connected to their previous session. Users are considered idle when they stop providing keyboard or mouse input during their streaming session. File uploads and downloads, audio in, audio out, and pixels changing do not qualify as user activity. If users continue to be idle after the time interval in IdleDisconnectTimeoutInSeconds elapses, they are disconnected.
To prevent users from being disconnected due to inactivity, specify a value of 0. Otherwise, specify a value between 60 and 3600. The default value is 0.
If you enable this feature, we recommend that you specify a value that corresponds exactly to a whole number of minutes (for example, 60, 120, and 180). If you don't do this, the value is rounded to the nearest minute. For example, if you specify a value of 70, users are disconnected after 1 minute of inactivity. If you specify a value that is at the midpoint between two different minutes, the value is rounded up. For example, if you specify a value of 90, users are disconnected after 2 minutes of inactivity.
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role to apply to the fleet. To assume a role, a fleet instance calls the AWS Security Token Service (STS) AssumeRole API operation and passes the ARN of the role to use. The operation creates a new session with temporary credentials. AppStream 2.0 retrieves the temporary credentials and creates the appstream_machine_role credential profile on the instance.
For more information, see Using an IAM Role to Grant Permissions to Applications and Scripts Running on AppStream 2.0 Streaming Instances in the Amazon AppStream 2.0 Administration Guide .
The AppStream 2.0 view that is displayed to your users when they stream from the fleet. When APP is specified, only the windows of applications opened by users display. When DESKTOP is specified, the standard desktop that is provided by the operating system displays.
The default value is APP .
The fleet platform. WINDOWS_SERVER_2019 and AMAZON_LINUX2 are supported for Elastic fleets.
The maximum concurrent sessions of the Elastic fleet. This is required for Elastic fleets, and not allowed for other fleet types.
The USB device filter strings that specify which USB devices a user can redirect to the fleet streaming session, when using the Windows native client. This is allowed but not required for Elastic fleets.
(string) --
Response Syntax
{ 'Fleet': { 'Arn': 'string', 'Name': 'string', 'DisplayName': 'string', 'Description': 'string', 'ImageName': 'string', 'ImageArn': 'string', 'InstanceType': 'string', 'FleetType': 'ALWAYS_ON'|'ON_DEMAND'|'ELASTIC', 'ComputeCapacityStatus': { 'Desired': 123, 'Running': 123, 'InUse': 123, 'Available': 123 }, 'MaxUserDurationInSeconds': 123, 'DisconnectTimeoutInSeconds': 123, 'State': 'STARTING'|'RUNNING'|'STOPPING'|'STOPPED', 'VpcConfig': { 'SubnetIds': [ 'string', ], 'SecurityGroupIds': [ 'string', ] }, 'CreatedTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'FleetErrors': [ { 'ErrorCode': 'IAM_SERVICE_ROLE_MISSING_ENI_DESCRIBE_ACTION'|'IAM_SERVICE_ROLE_MISSING_ENI_CREATE_ACTION'|'IAM_SERVICE_ROLE_MISSING_ENI_DELETE_ACTION'|'NETWORK_INTERFACE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED'|'INTERNAL_SERVICE_ERROR'|'IAM_SERVICE_ROLE_IS_MISSING'|'MACHINE_ROLE_IS_MISSING'|'STS_DISABLED_IN_REGION'|'SUBNET_HAS_INSUFFICIENT_IP_ADDRESSES'|'IAM_SERVICE_ROLE_MISSING_DESCRIBE_SUBNET_ACTION'|'SUBNET_NOT_FOUND'|'IMAGE_NOT_FOUND'|'INVALID_SUBNET_CONFIGURATION'|'SECURITY_GROUPS_NOT_FOUND'|'IGW_NOT_ATTACHED'|'IAM_SERVICE_ROLE_MISSING_DESCRIBE_SECURITY_GROUPS_ACTION'|'FLEET_STOPPED'|'FLEET_INSTANCE_PROVISIONING_FAILURE'|'DOMAIN_JOIN_ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND'|'DOMAIN_JOIN_ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED'|'DOMAIN_JOIN_ERROR_LOGON_FAILURE'|'DOMAIN_JOIN_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER'|'DOMAIN_JOIN_ERROR_MORE_DATA'|'DOMAIN_JOIN_ERROR_NO_SUCH_DOMAIN'|'DOMAIN_JOIN_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED'|'DOMAIN_JOIN_NERR_INVALID_WORKGROUP_NAME'|'DOMAIN_JOIN_NERR_WORKSTATION_NOT_STARTED'|'DOMAIN_JOIN_ERROR_DS_MACHINE_ACCOUNT_QUOTA_EXCEEDED'|'DOMAIN_JOIN_NERR_PASSWORD_EXPIRED'|'DOMAIN_JOIN_INTERNAL_SERVICE_ERROR', 'ErrorMessage': 'string' }, ], 'EnableDefaultInternetAccess': True|False, 'DomainJoinInfo': { 'DirectoryName': 'string', 'OrganizationalUnitDistinguishedName': 'string' }, 'IdleDisconnectTimeoutInSeconds': 123, 'IamRoleArn': 'string', 'StreamView': 'APP'|'DESKTOP', 'Platform': 'WINDOWS'|'WINDOWS_SERVER_2016'|'WINDOWS_SERVER_2019'|'AMAZON_LINUX2', 'MaxConcurrentSessions': 123, 'UsbDeviceFilterStrings': [ 'string', ] } }
Response Structure
(dict) --
Fleet (dict) --
Information about the fleet.
Arn (string) --
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the fleet.
Name (string) --
The name of the fleet.
DisplayName (string) --
The fleet name to display.
Description (string) --
The description to display.
ImageName (string) --
The name of the image used to create the fleet.
ImageArn (string) --
The ARN for the public, private, or shared image.
InstanceType (string) --
The instance type to use when launching fleet instances. The following instance types are available:
FleetType (string) --
The fleet type.
Provides users with instant-on access to their apps. You are charged for all running instances in your fleet, even if no users are streaming apps.
Provide users with access to applications after they connect, which takes one to two minutes. You are charged for instance streaming when users are connected and a small hourly fee for instances that are not streaming apps.
ComputeCapacityStatus (dict) --
The capacity status for the fleet.
Desired (integer) --
The desired number of streaming instances.
Running (integer) --
The total number of simultaneous streaming instances that are running.
InUse (integer) --
The number of instances in use for streaming.
Available (integer) --
The number of currently available instances that can be used to stream sessions.
MaxUserDurationInSeconds (integer) --
The maximum amount of time that a streaming session can remain active, in seconds. If users are still connected to a streaming instance five minutes before this limit is reached, they are prompted to save any open documents before being disconnected. After this time elapses, the instance is terminated and replaced by a new instance.
Specify a value between 600 and 360000.
DisconnectTimeoutInSeconds (integer) --
The amount of time that a streaming session remains active after users disconnect. If they try to reconnect to the streaming session after a disconnection or network interruption within this time interval, they are connected to their previous session. Otherwise, they are connected to a new session with a new streaming instance.
Specify a value between 60 and 360000.
State (string) --
The current state for the fleet.
VpcConfig (dict) --
The VPC configuration for the fleet.
SubnetIds (list) --
The identifiers of the subnets to which a network interface is attached from the fleet instance or image builder instance. Fleet instances use one or more subnets. Image builder instances use one subnet.
(string) --
SecurityGroupIds (list) --
The identifiers of the security groups for the fleet or image builder.
(string) --
CreatedTime (datetime) --
The time the fleet was created.
FleetErrors (list) --
The fleet errors.
(dict) --
Describes a fleet error.
ErrorCode (string) --
The error code.
ErrorMessage (string) --
The error message.
EnableDefaultInternetAccess (boolean) --
Indicates whether default internet access is enabled for the fleet.
DomainJoinInfo (dict) --
The name of the directory and organizational unit (OU) to use to join the fleet to a Microsoft Active Directory domain.
DirectoryName (string) --
The fully qualified name of the directory (for example, corp.example.com).
OrganizationalUnitDistinguishedName (string) --
The distinguished name of the organizational unit for computer accounts.
IdleDisconnectTimeoutInSeconds (integer) --
The amount of time that users can be idle (inactive) before they are disconnected from their streaming session and the DisconnectTimeoutInSeconds time interval begins. Users are notified before they are disconnected due to inactivity. If users try to reconnect to the streaming session before the time interval specified in DisconnectTimeoutInSeconds elapses, they are connected to their previous session. Users are considered idle when they stop providing keyboard or mouse input during their streaming session. File uploads and downloads, audio in, audio out, and pixels changing do not qualify as user activity. If users continue to be idle after the time interval in IdleDisconnectTimeoutInSeconds elapses, they are disconnected.
To prevent users from being disconnected due to inactivity, specify a value of 0. Otherwise, specify a value between 60 and 3600. The default value is 0.
If you enable this feature, we recommend that you specify a value that corresponds exactly to a whole number of minutes (for example, 60, 120, and 180). If you don't do this, the value is rounded to the nearest minute. For example, if you specify a value of 70, users are disconnected after 1 minute of inactivity. If you specify a value that is at the midpoint between two different minutes, the value is rounded up. For example, if you specify a value of 90, users are disconnected after 2 minutes of inactivity.
IamRoleArn (string) --
The ARN of the IAM role that is applied to the fleet. To assume a role, the fleet instance calls the AWS Security Token Service (STS) AssumeRole API operation and passes the ARN of the role to use. The operation creates a new session with temporary credentials. AppStream 2.0 retrieves the temporary credentials and creates the appstream_machine_role credential profile on the instance.
For more information, see Using an IAM Role to Grant Permissions to Applications and Scripts Running on AppStream 2.0 Streaming Instances in the Amazon AppStream 2.0 Administration Guide .
StreamView (string) --
The AppStream 2.0 view that is displayed to your users when they stream from the fleet. When APP is specified, only the windows of applications opened by users display. When DESKTOP is specified, the standard desktop that is provided by the operating system displays.
The default value is APP .
Platform (string) --
The platform of the fleet.
MaxConcurrentSessions (integer) --
The maximum number of concurrent sessions for the fleet.
UsbDeviceFilterStrings (list) --
The USB device filter strings associated with the fleet.
(string) --
{'image': {'Applications': {'AppBlockArn': 'string', 'Arn': 'string', 'CreatedTime': 'timestamp', 'Description': 'string', 'IconS3Location': {'S3Bucket': 'string', 'S3Key': 'string'}, 'InstanceFamilies': ['string'], 'Platforms': ['WINDOWS | WINDOWS_SERVER_2016 | ' 'WINDOWS_SERVER_2019 | ' 'AMAZON_LINUX2'], 'WorkingDirectory': 'string'}}}
Creates a new image with the latest Windows operating system updates, driver updates, and AppStream 2.0 agent software.
For more information, see the "Update an Image by Using Managed AppStream 2.0 Image Updates" section in Administer Your AppStream 2.0 Images, in the Amazon AppStream 2.0 Administration Guide .
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.create_updated_image( existingImageName='string', newImageName='string', newImageDescription='string', newImageDisplayName='string', newImageTags={ 'string': 'string' }, dryRun=True|False )
The name of the image to update.
The name of the new image. The name must be unique within the AWS account and Region.
The description to display for the new image.
The name to display for the new image.
The tags to associate with the new image. A tag is a key-value pair, and the value is optional. For example, Environment=Test. If you do not specify a value, Environment=.
Generally allowed characters are: letters, numbers, and spaces representable in UTF-8, and the following special characters:
_ . : / = + - @
If you do not specify a value, the value is set to an empty string.
For more information about tags, see Tagging Your Resources in the Amazon AppStream 2.0 Administration Guide .
(string) --
(string) --
Indicates whether to display the status of image update availability before AppStream 2.0 initiates the process of creating a new updated image. If this value is set to true , AppStream 2.0 displays whether image updates are available. If this value is set to false , AppStream 2.0 initiates the process of creating a new updated image without displaying whether image updates are available.
Response Syntax
{ 'image': { 'Name': 'string', 'Arn': 'string', 'BaseImageArn': 'string', 'DisplayName': 'string', 'State': 'PENDING'|'AVAILABLE'|'FAILED'|'COPYING'|'DELETING'|'CREATING'|'IMPORTING', 'Visibility': 'PUBLIC'|'PRIVATE'|'SHARED', 'ImageBuilderSupported': True|False, 'ImageBuilderName': 'string', 'Platform': 'WINDOWS'|'WINDOWS_SERVER_2016'|'WINDOWS_SERVER_2019'|'AMAZON_LINUX2', 'Description': 'string', 'StateChangeReason': { 'Code': 'INTERNAL_ERROR'|'IMAGE_BUILDER_NOT_AVAILABLE'|'IMAGE_COPY_FAILURE', 'Message': 'string' }, 'Applications': [ { 'Name': 'string', 'DisplayName': 'string', 'IconURL': 'string', 'LaunchPath': 'string', 'LaunchParameters': 'string', 'Enabled': True|False, 'Metadata': { 'string': 'string' }, 'WorkingDirectory': 'string', 'Description': 'string', 'Arn': 'string', 'AppBlockArn': 'string', 'IconS3Location': { 'S3Bucket': 'string', 'S3Key': 'string' }, 'Platforms': [ 'WINDOWS'|'WINDOWS_SERVER_2016'|'WINDOWS_SERVER_2019'|'AMAZON_LINUX2', ], 'InstanceFamilies': [ 'string', ], 'CreatedTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1) }, ], 'CreatedTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'PublicBaseImageReleasedDate': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'AppstreamAgentVersion': 'string', 'ImagePermissions': { 'allowFleet': True|False, 'allowImageBuilder': True|False }, 'ImageErrors': [ { 'ErrorCode': 'IAM_SERVICE_ROLE_MISSING_ENI_DESCRIBE_ACTION'|'IAM_SERVICE_ROLE_MISSING_ENI_CREATE_ACTION'|'IAM_SERVICE_ROLE_MISSING_ENI_DELETE_ACTION'|'NETWORK_INTERFACE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED'|'INTERNAL_SERVICE_ERROR'|'IAM_SERVICE_ROLE_IS_MISSING'|'MACHINE_ROLE_IS_MISSING'|'STS_DISABLED_IN_REGION'|'SUBNET_HAS_INSUFFICIENT_IP_ADDRESSES'|'IAM_SERVICE_ROLE_MISSING_DESCRIBE_SUBNET_ACTION'|'SUBNET_NOT_FOUND'|'IMAGE_NOT_FOUND'|'INVALID_SUBNET_CONFIGURATION'|'SECURITY_GROUPS_NOT_FOUND'|'IGW_NOT_ATTACHED'|'IAM_SERVICE_ROLE_MISSING_DESCRIBE_SECURITY_GROUPS_ACTION'|'FLEET_STOPPED'|'FLEET_INSTANCE_PROVISIONING_FAILURE'|'DOMAIN_JOIN_ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND'|'DOMAIN_JOIN_ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED'|'DOMAIN_JOIN_ERROR_LOGON_FAILURE'|'DOMAIN_JOIN_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER'|'DOMAIN_JOIN_ERROR_MORE_DATA'|'DOMAIN_JOIN_ERROR_NO_SUCH_DOMAIN'|'DOMAIN_JOIN_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED'|'DOMAIN_JOIN_NERR_INVALID_WORKGROUP_NAME'|'DOMAIN_JOIN_NERR_WORKSTATION_NOT_STARTED'|'DOMAIN_JOIN_ERROR_DS_MACHINE_ACCOUNT_QUOTA_EXCEEDED'|'DOMAIN_JOIN_NERR_PASSWORD_EXPIRED'|'DOMAIN_JOIN_INTERNAL_SERVICE_ERROR', 'ErrorMessage': 'string', 'ErrorTimestamp': datetime(2015, 1, 1) }, ] }, 'canUpdateImage': True|False }
Response Structure
(dict) --
image (dict) --
Describes an image.
Name (string) --
The name of the image.
Arn (string) --
The ARN of the image.
BaseImageArn (string) --
The ARN of the image from which this image was created.
DisplayName (string) --
The image name to display.
State (string) --
The image starts in the PENDING state. If image creation succeeds, the state is AVAILABLE . If image creation fails, the state is FAILED .
Visibility (string) --
Indicates whether the image is public or private.
ImageBuilderSupported (boolean) --
Indicates whether an image builder can be launched from this image.
ImageBuilderName (string) --
The name of the image builder that was used to create the private image. If the image is shared, this value is null.
Platform (string) --
The operating system platform of the image.
Description (string) --
The description to display.
StateChangeReason (dict) --
The reason why the last state change occurred.
Code (string) --
The state change reason code.
Message (string) --
The state change reason message.
Applications (list) --
The applications associated with the image.
(dict) --
Describes an application in the application catalog.
Name (string) --
The name of the application.
DisplayName (string) --
The application name to display.
IconURL (string) --
The URL for the application icon. This URL might be time-limited.
LaunchPath (string) --
The path to the application executable in the instance.
LaunchParameters (string) --
The arguments that are passed to the application at launch.
Enabled (boolean) --
If there is a problem, the application can be disabled after image creation.
Metadata (dict) --
Additional attributes that describe the application.
(string) --
(string) --
WorkingDirectory (string) --
The working directory for the application.
Description (string) --
The description of the application.
Arn (string) --
The ARN of the application.
AppBlockArn (string) --
The app block ARN of the application.
IconS3Location (dict) --
The S3 location of the application icon.
S3Bucket (string) --
The S3 bucket of the S3 object.
S3Key (string) --
The S3 key of the S3 object.
Platforms (list) --
The platforms on which the application can run.
(string) --
InstanceFamilies (list) --
The instance families for the application.
(string) --
CreatedTime (datetime) --
The time at which the application was created within the app block.
CreatedTime (datetime) --
The time the image was created.
PublicBaseImageReleasedDate (datetime) --
The release date of the public base image. For private images, this date is the release date of the base image from which the image was created.
AppstreamAgentVersion (string) --
The version of the AppStream 2.0 agent to use for instances that are launched from this image.
ImagePermissions (dict) --
The permissions to provide to the destination AWS account for the specified image.
allowFleet (boolean) --
Indicates whether the image can be used for a fleet.
allowImageBuilder (boolean) --
Indicates whether the image can be used for an image builder.
ImageErrors (list) --
Describes the errors that are returned when a new image can't be created.
(dict) --
Describes a resource error.
ErrorCode (string) --
The error code.
ErrorMessage (string) --
The error message.
ErrorTimestamp (datetime) --
The time the error occurred.
canUpdateImage (boolean) --
Indicates whether a new image can be created.
{'Image': {'Applications': {'AppBlockArn': 'string', 'Arn': 'string', 'CreatedTime': 'timestamp', 'Description': 'string', 'IconS3Location': {'S3Bucket': 'string', 'S3Key': 'string'}, 'InstanceFamilies': ['string'], 'Platforms': ['WINDOWS | WINDOWS_SERVER_2016 | ' 'WINDOWS_SERVER_2019 | ' 'AMAZON_LINUX2'], 'WorkingDirectory': 'string'}}}
Deletes the specified image. You cannot delete an image when it is in use. After you delete an image, you cannot provision new capacity using the image.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.delete_image( Name='string' )
The name of the image.
Response Syntax
{ 'Image': { 'Name': 'string', 'Arn': 'string', 'BaseImageArn': 'string', 'DisplayName': 'string', 'State': 'PENDING'|'AVAILABLE'|'FAILED'|'COPYING'|'DELETING'|'CREATING'|'IMPORTING', 'Visibility': 'PUBLIC'|'PRIVATE'|'SHARED', 'ImageBuilderSupported': True|False, 'ImageBuilderName': 'string', 'Platform': 'WINDOWS'|'WINDOWS_SERVER_2016'|'WINDOWS_SERVER_2019'|'AMAZON_LINUX2', 'Description': 'string', 'StateChangeReason': { 'Code': 'INTERNAL_ERROR'|'IMAGE_BUILDER_NOT_AVAILABLE'|'IMAGE_COPY_FAILURE', 'Message': 'string' }, 'Applications': [ { 'Name': 'string', 'DisplayName': 'string', 'IconURL': 'string', 'LaunchPath': 'string', 'LaunchParameters': 'string', 'Enabled': True|False, 'Metadata': { 'string': 'string' }, 'WorkingDirectory': 'string', 'Description': 'string', 'Arn': 'string', 'AppBlockArn': 'string', 'IconS3Location': { 'S3Bucket': 'string', 'S3Key': 'string' }, 'Platforms': [ 'WINDOWS'|'WINDOWS_SERVER_2016'|'WINDOWS_SERVER_2019'|'AMAZON_LINUX2', ], 'InstanceFamilies': [ 'string', ], 'CreatedTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1) }, ], 'CreatedTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'PublicBaseImageReleasedDate': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'AppstreamAgentVersion': 'string', 'ImagePermissions': { 'allowFleet': True|False, 'allowImageBuilder': True|False }, 'ImageErrors': [ { 'ErrorCode': 'IAM_SERVICE_ROLE_MISSING_ENI_DESCRIBE_ACTION'|'IAM_SERVICE_ROLE_MISSING_ENI_CREATE_ACTION'|'IAM_SERVICE_ROLE_MISSING_ENI_DELETE_ACTION'|'NETWORK_INTERFACE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED'|'INTERNAL_SERVICE_ERROR'|'IAM_SERVICE_ROLE_IS_MISSING'|'MACHINE_ROLE_IS_MISSING'|'STS_DISABLED_IN_REGION'|'SUBNET_HAS_INSUFFICIENT_IP_ADDRESSES'|'IAM_SERVICE_ROLE_MISSING_DESCRIBE_SUBNET_ACTION'|'SUBNET_NOT_FOUND'|'IMAGE_NOT_FOUND'|'INVALID_SUBNET_CONFIGURATION'|'SECURITY_GROUPS_NOT_FOUND'|'IGW_NOT_ATTACHED'|'IAM_SERVICE_ROLE_MISSING_DESCRIBE_SECURITY_GROUPS_ACTION'|'FLEET_STOPPED'|'FLEET_INSTANCE_PROVISIONING_FAILURE'|'DOMAIN_JOIN_ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND'|'DOMAIN_JOIN_ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED'|'DOMAIN_JOIN_ERROR_LOGON_FAILURE'|'DOMAIN_JOIN_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER'|'DOMAIN_JOIN_ERROR_MORE_DATA'|'DOMAIN_JOIN_ERROR_NO_SUCH_DOMAIN'|'DOMAIN_JOIN_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED'|'DOMAIN_JOIN_NERR_INVALID_WORKGROUP_NAME'|'DOMAIN_JOIN_NERR_WORKSTATION_NOT_STARTED'|'DOMAIN_JOIN_ERROR_DS_MACHINE_ACCOUNT_QUOTA_EXCEEDED'|'DOMAIN_JOIN_NERR_PASSWORD_EXPIRED'|'DOMAIN_JOIN_INTERNAL_SERVICE_ERROR', 'ErrorMessage': 'string', 'ErrorTimestamp': datetime(2015, 1, 1) }, ] } }
Response Structure
(dict) --
Image (dict) --
Information about the image.
Name (string) --
The name of the image.
Arn (string) --
The ARN of the image.
BaseImageArn (string) --
The ARN of the image from which this image was created.
DisplayName (string) --
The image name to display.
State (string) --
The image starts in the PENDING state. If image creation succeeds, the state is AVAILABLE . If image creation fails, the state is FAILED .
Visibility (string) --
Indicates whether the image is public or private.
ImageBuilderSupported (boolean) --
Indicates whether an image builder can be launched from this image.
ImageBuilderName (string) --
The name of the image builder that was used to create the private image. If the image is shared, this value is null.
Platform (string) --
The operating system platform of the image.
Description (string) --
The description to display.
StateChangeReason (dict) --
The reason why the last state change occurred.
Code (string) --
The state change reason code.
Message (string) --
The state change reason message.
Applications (list) --
The applications associated with the image.
(dict) --
Describes an application in the application catalog.
Name (string) --
The name of the application.
DisplayName (string) --
The application name to display.
IconURL (string) --
The URL for the application icon. This URL might be time-limited.
LaunchPath (string) --
The path to the application executable in the instance.
LaunchParameters (string) --
The arguments that are passed to the application at launch.
Enabled (boolean) --
If there is a problem, the application can be disabled after image creation.
Metadata (dict) --
Additional attributes that describe the application.
(string) --
(string) --
WorkingDirectory (string) --
The working directory for the application.
Description (string) --
The description of the application.
Arn (string) --
The ARN of the application.
AppBlockArn (string) --
The app block ARN of the application.
IconS3Location (dict) --
The S3 location of the application icon.
S3Bucket (string) --
The S3 bucket of the S3 object.
S3Key (string) --
The S3 key of the S3 object.
Platforms (list) --
The platforms on which the application can run.
(string) --
InstanceFamilies (list) --
The instance families for the application.
(string) --
CreatedTime (datetime) --
The time at which the application was created within the app block.
CreatedTime (datetime) --
The time the image was created.
PublicBaseImageReleasedDate (datetime) --
The release date of the public base image. For private images, this date is the release date of the base image from which the image was created.
AppstreamAgentVersion (string) --
The version of the AppStream 2.0 agent to use for instances that are launched from this image.
ImagePermissions (dict) --
The permissions to provide to the destination AWS account for the specified image.
allowFleet (boolean) --
Indicates whether the image can be used for a fleet.
allowImageBuilder (boolean) --
Indicates whether the image can be used for an image builder.
ImageErrors (list) --
Describes the errors that are returned when a new image can't be created.
(dict) --
Describes a resource error.
ErrorCode (string) --
The error code.
ErrorMessage (string) --
The error message.
ErrorTimestamp (datetime) --
The time the error occurred.
{'Fleets': {'FleetType': {'ELASTIC'}, 'MaxConcurrentSessions': 'integer', 'Platform': 'WINDOWS | WINDOWS_SERVER_2016 | WINDOWS_SERVER_2019 | ' 'AMAZON_LINUX2', 'UsbDeviceFilterStrings': ['string']}}
Retrieves a list that describes one or more specified fleets, if the fleet names are provided. Otherwise, all fleets in the account are described.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.describe_fleets( Names=[ 'string', ], NextToken='string' )
The names of the fleets to describe.
(string) --
The pagination token to use to retrieve the next page of results for this operation. If this value is null, it retrieves the first page.
Response Syntax
{ 'Fleets': [ { 'Arn': 'string', 'Name': 'string', 'DisplayName': 'string', 'Description': 'string', 'ImageName': 'string', 'ImageArn': 'string', 'InstanceType': 'string', 'FleetType': 'ALWAYS_ON'|'ON_DEMAND'|'ELASTIC', 'ComputeCapacityStatus': { 'Desired': 123, 'Running': 123, 'InUse': 123, 'Available': 123 }, 'MaxUserDurationInSeconds': 123, 'DisconnectTimeoutInSeconds': 123, 'State': 'STARTING'|'RUNNING'|'STOPPING'|'STOPPED', 'VpcConfig': { 'SubnetIds': [ 'string', ], 'SecurityGroupIds': [ 'string', ] }, 'CreatedTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'FleetErrors': [ { 'ErrorCode': 'IAM_SERVICE_ROLE_MISSING_ENI_DESCRIBE_ACTION'|'IAM_SERVICE_ROLE_MISSING_ENI_CREATE_ACTION'|'IAM_SERVICE_ROLE_MISSING_ENI_DELETE_ACTION'|'NETWORK_INTERFACE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED'|'INTERNAL_SERVICE_ERROR'|'IAM_SERVICE_ROLE_IS_MISSING'|'MACHINE_ROLE_IS_MISSING'|'STS_DISABLED_IN_REGION'|'SUBNET_HAS_INSUFFICIENT_IP_ADDRESSES'|'IAM_SERVICE_ROLE_MISSING_DESCRIBE_SUBNET_ACTION'|'SUBNET_NOT_FOUND'|'IMAGE_NOT_FOUND'|'INVALID_SUBNET_CONFIGURATION'|'SECURITY_GROUPS_NOT_FOUND'|'IGW_NOT_ATTACHED'|'IAM_SERVICE_ROLE_MISSING_DESCRIBE_SECURITY_GROUPS_ACTION'|'FLEET_STOPPED'|'FLEET_INSTANCE_PROVISIONING_FAILURE'|'DOMAIN_JOIN_ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND'|'DOMAIN_JOIN_ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED'|'DOMAIN_JOIN_ERROR_LOGON_FAILURE'|'DOMAIN_JOIN_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER'|'DOMAIN_JOIN_ERROR_MORE_DATA'|'DOMAIN_JOIN_ERROR_NO_SUCH_DOMAIN'|'DOMAIN_JOIN_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED'|'DOMAIN_JOIN_NERR_INVALID_WORKGROUP_NAME'|'DOMAIN_JOIN_NERR_WORKSTATION_NOT_STARTED'|'DOMAIN_JOIN_ERROR_DS_MACHINE_ACCOUNT_QUOTA_EXCEEDED'|'DOMAIN_JOIN_NERR_PASSWORD_EXPIRED'|'DOMAIN_JOIN_INTERNAL_SERVICE_ERROR', 'ErrorMessage': 'string' }, ], 'EnableDefaultInternetAccess': True|False, 'DomainJoinInfo': { 'DirectoryName': 'string', 'OrganizationalUnitDistinguishedName': 'string' }, 'IdleDisconnectTimeoutInSeconds': 123, 'IamRoleArn': 'string', 'StreamView': 'APP'|'DESKTOP', 'Platform': 'WINDOWS'|'WINDOWS_SERVER_2016'|'WINDOWS_SERVER_2019'|'AMAZON_LINUX2', 'MaxConcurrentSessions': 123, 'UsbDeviceFilterStrings': [ 'string', ] }, ], 'NextToken': 'string' }
Response Structure
(dict) --
Fleets (list) --
Information about the fleets.
(dict) --
Describes a fleet.
Arn (string) --
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the fleet.
Name (string) --
The name of the fleet.
DisplayName (string) --
The fleet name to display.
Description (string) --
The description to display.
ImageName (string) --
The name of the image used to create the fleet.
ImageArn (string) --
The ARN for the public, private, or shared image.
InstanceType (string) --
The instance type to use when launching fleet instances. The following instance types are available:
FleetType (string) --
The fleet type.
Provides users with instant-on access to their apps. You are charged for all running instances in your fleet, even if no users are streaming apps.
Provide users with access to applications after they connect, which takes one to two minutes. You are charged for instance streaming when users are connected and a small hourly fee for instances that are not streaming apps.
ComputeCapacityStatus (dict) --
The capacity status for the fleet.
Desired (integer) --
The desired number of streaming instances.
Running (integer) --
The total number of simultaneous streaming instances that are running.
InUse (integer) --
The number of instances in use for streaming.
Available (integer) --
The number of currently available instances that can be used to stream sessions.
MaxUserDurationInSeconds (integer) --
The maximum amount of time that a streaming session can remain active, in seconds. If users are still connected to a streaming instance five minutes before this limit is reached, they are prompted to save any open documents before being disconnected. After this time elapses, the instance is terminated and replaced by a new instance.
Specify a value between 600 and 360000.
DisconnectTimeoutInSeconds (integer) --
The amount of time that a streaming session remains active after users disconnect. If they try to reconnect to the streaming session after a disconnection or network interruption within this time interval, they are connected to their previous session. Otherwise, they are connected to a new session with a new streaming instance.
Specify a value between 60 and 360000.
State (string) --
The current state for the fleet.
VpcConfig (dict) --
The VPC configuration for the fleet.
SubnetIds (list) --
The identifiers of the subnets to which a network interface is attached from the fleet instance or image builder instance. Fleet instances use one or more subnets. Image builder instances use one subnet.
(string) --
SecurityGroupIds (list) --
The identifiers of the security groups for the fleet or image builder.
(string) --
CreatedTime (datetime) --
The time the fleet was created.
FleetErrors (list) --
The fleet errors.
(dict) --
Describes a fleet error.
ErrorCode (string) --
The error code.
ErrorMessage (string) --
The error message.
EnableDefaultInternetAccess (boolean) --
Indicates whether default internet access is enabled for the fleet.
DomainJoinInfo (dict) --
The name of the directory and organizational unit (OU) to use to join the fleet to a Microsoft Active Directory domain.
DirectoryName (string) --
The fully qualified name of the directory (for example, corp.example.com).
OrganizationalUnitDistinguishedName (string) --
The distinguished name of the organizational unit for computer accounts.
IdleDisconnectTimeoutInSeconds (integer) --
The amount of time that users can be idle (inactive) before they are disconnected from their streaming session and the DisconnectTimeoutInSeconds time interval begins. Users are notified before they are disconnected due to inactivity. If users try to reconnect to the streaming session before the time interval specified in DisconnectTimeoutInSeconds elapses, they are connected to their previous session. Users are considered idle when they stop providing keyboard or mouse input during their streaming session. File uploads and downloads, audio in, audio out, and pixels changing do not qualify as user activity. If users continue to be idle after the time interval in IdleDisconnectTimeoutInSeconds elapses, they are disconnected.
To prevent users from being disconnected due to inactivity, specify a value of 0. Otherwise, specify a value between 60 and 3600. The default value is 0.
If you enable this feature, we recommend that you specify a value that corresponds exactly to a whole number of minutes (for example, 60, 120, and 180). If you don't do this, the value is rounded to the nearest minute. For example, if you specify a value of 70, users are disconnected after 1 minute of inactivity. If you specify a value that is at the midpoint between two different minutes, the value is rounded up. For example, if you specify a value of 90, users are disconnected after 2 minutes of inactivity.
IamRoleArn (string) --
The ARN of the IAM role that is applied to the fleet. To assume a role, the fleet instance calls the AWS Security Token Service (STS) AssumeRole API operation and passes the ARN of the role to use. The operation creates a new session with temporary credentials. AppStream 2.0 retrieves the temporary credentials and creates the appstream_machine_role credential profile on the instance.
For more information, see Using an IAM Role to Grant Permissions to Applications and Scripts Running on AppStream 2.0 Streaming Instances in the Amazon AppStream 2.0 Administration Guide .
StreamView (string) --
The AppStream 2.0 view that is displayed to your users when they stream from the fleet. When APP is specified, only the windows of applications opened by users display. When DESKTOP is specified, the standard desktop that is provided by the operating system displays.
The default value is APP .
Platform (string) --
The platform of the fleet.
MaxConcurrentSessions (integer) --
The maximum number of concurrent sessions for the fleet.
UsbDeviceFilterStrings (list) --
The USB device filter strings associated with the fleet.
(string) --
NextToken (string) --
The pagination token to use to retrieve the next page of results for this operation. If there are no more pages, this value is null.
{'Images': {'Applications': {'AppBlockArn': 'string', 'Arn': 'string', 'CreatedTime': 'timestamp', 'Description': 'string', 'IconS3Location': {'S3Bucket': 'string', 'S3Key': 'string'}, 'InstanceFamilies': ['string'], 'Platforms': ['WINDOWS | WINDOWS_SERVER_2016 | ' 'WINDOWS_SERVER_2019 | ' 'AMAZON_LINUX2'], 'WorkingDirectory': 'string'}}}
Retrieves a list that describes one or more specified images, if the image names or image ARNs are provided. Otherwise, all images in the account are described.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.describe_images( Names=[ 'string', ], Arns=[ 'string', ], Type='PUBLIC'|'PRIVATE'|'SHARED', NextToken='string', MaxResults=123 )
The names of the public or private images to describe.
(string) --
The ARNs of the public, private, and shared images to describe.
(string) --
The type of image (public, private, or shared) to describe.
The pagination token to use to retrieve the next page of results for this operation. If this value is null, it retrieves the first page.
The maximum size of each page of results.
Response Syntax
{ 'Images': [ { 'Name': 'string', 'Arn': 'string', 'BaseImageArn': 'string', 'DisplayName': 'string', 'State': 'PENDING'|'AVAILABLE'|'FAILED'|'COPYING'|'DELETING'|'CREATING'|'IMPORTING', 'Visibility': 'PUBLIC'|'PRIVATE'|'SHARED', 'ImageBuilderSupported': True|False, 'ImageBuilderName': 'string', 'Platform': 'WINDOWS'|'WINDOWS_SERVER_2016'|'WINDOWS_SERVER_2019'|'AMAZON_LINUX2', 'Description': 'string', 'StateChangeReason': { 'Code': 'INTERNAL_ERROR'|'IMAGE_BUILDER_NOT_AVAILABLE'|'IMAGE_COPY_FAILURE', 'Message': 'string' }, 'Applications': [ { 'Name': 'string', 'DisplayName': 'string', 'IconURL': 'string', 'LaunchPath': 'string', 'LaunchParameters': 'string', 'Enabled': True|False, 'Metadata': { 'string': 'string' }, 'WorkingDirectory': 'string', 'Description': 'string', 'Arn': 'string', 'AppBlockArn': 'string', 'IconS3Location': { 'S3Bucket': 'string', 'S3Key': 'string' }, 'Platforms': [ 'WINDOWS'|'WINDOWS_SERVER_2016'|'WINDOWS_SERVER_2019'|'AMAZON_LINUX2', ], 'InstanceFamilies': [ 'string', ], 'CreatedTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1) }, ], 'CreatedTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'PublicBaseImageReleasedDate': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'AppstreamAgentVersion': 'string', 'ImagePermissions': { 'allowFleet': True|False, 'allowImageBuilder': True|False }, 'ImageErrors': [ { 'ErrorCode': 'IAM_SERVICE_ROLE_MISSING_ENI_DESCRIBE_ACTION'|'IAM_SERVICE_ROLE_MISSING_ENI_CREATE_ACTION'|'IAM_SERVICE_ROLE_MISSING_ENI_DELETE_ACTION'|'NETWORK_INTERFACE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED'|'INTERNAL_SERVICE_ERROR'|'IAM_SERVICE_ROLE_IS_MISSING'|'MACHINE_ROLE_IS_MISSING'|'STS_DISABLED_IN_REGION'|'SUBNET_HAS_INSUFFICIENT_IP_ADDRESSES'|'IAM_SERVICE_ROLE_MISSING_DESCRIBE_SUBNET_ACTION'|'SUBNET_NOT_FOUND'|'IMAGE_NOT_FOUND'|'INVALID_SUBNET_CONFIGURATION'|'SECURITY_GROUPS_NOT_FOUND'|'IGW_NOT_ATTACHED'|'IAM_SERVICE_ROLE_MISSING_DESCRIBE_SECURITY_GROUPS_ACTION'|'FLEET_STOPPED'|'FLEET_INSTANCE_PROVISIONING_FAILURE'|'DOMAIN_JOIN_ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND'|'DOMAIN_JOIN_ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED'|'DOMAIN_JOIN_ERROR_LOGON_FAILURE'|'DOMAIN_JOIN_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER'|'DOMAIN_JOIN_ERROR_MORE_DATA'|'DOMAIN_JOIN_ERROR_NO_SUCH_DOMAIN'|'DOMAIN_JOIN_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED'|'DOMAIN_JOIN_NERR_INVALID_WORKGROUP_NAME'|'DOMAIN_JOIN_NERR_WORKSTATION_NOT_STARTED'|'DOMAIN_JOIN_ERROR_DS_MACHINE_ACCOUNT_QUOTA_EXCEEDED'|'DOMAIN_JOIN_NERR_PASSWORD_EXPIRED'|'DOMAIN_JOIN_INTERNAL_SERVICE_ERROR', 'ErrorMessage': 'string', 'ErrorTimestamp': datetime(2015, 1, 1) }, ] }, ], 'NextToken': 'string' }
Response Structure
(dict) --
Images (list) --
Information about the images.
(dict) --
Describes an image.
Name (string) --
The name of the image.
Arn (string) --
The ARN of the image.
BaseImageArn (string) --
The ARN of the image from which this image was created.
DisplayName (string) --
The image name to display.
State (string) --
The image starts in the PENDING state. If image creation succeeds, the state is AVAILABLE . If image creation fails, the state is FAILED .
Visibility (string) --
Indicates whether the image is public or private.
ImageBuilderSupported (boolean) --
Indicates whether an image builder can be launched from this image.
ImageBuilderName (string) --
The name of the image builder that was used to create the private image. If the image is shared, this value is null.
Platform (string) --
The operating system platform of the image.
Description (string) --
The description to display.
StateChangeReason (dict) --
The reason why the last state change occurred.
Code (string) --
The state change reason code.
Message (string) --
The state change reason message.
Applications (list) --
The applications associated with the image.
(dict) --
Describes an application in the application catalog.
Name (string) --
The name of the application.
DisplayName (string) --
The application name to display.
IconURL (string) --
The URL for the application icon. This URL might be time-limited.
LaunchPath (string) --
The path to the application executable in the instance.
LaunchParameters (string) --
The arguments that are passed to the application at launch.
Enabled (boolean) --
If there is a problem, the application can be disabled after image creation.
Metadata (dict) --
Additional attributes that describe the application.
(string) --
(string) --
WorkingDirectory (string) --
The working directory for the application.
Description (string) --
The description of the application.
Arn (string) --
The ARN of the application.
AppBlockArn (string) --
The app block ARN of the application.
IconS3Location (dict) --
The S3 location of the application icon.
S3Bucket (string) --
The S3 bucket of the S3 object.
S3Key (string) --
The S3 key of the S3 object.
Platforms (list) --
The platforms on which the application can run.
(string) --
InstanceFamilies (list) --
The instance families for the application.
(string) --
CreatedTime (datetime) --
The time at which the application was created within the app block.
CreatedTime (datetime) --
The time the image was created.
PublicBaseImageReleasedDate (datetime) --
The release date of the public base image. For private images, this date is the release date of the base image from which the image was created.
AppstreamAgentVersion (string) --
The version of the AppStream 2.0 agent to use for instances that are launched from this image.
ImagePermissions (dict) --
The permissions to provide to the destination AWS account for the specified image.
allowFleet (boolean) --
Indicates whether the image can be used for a fleet.
allowImageBuilder (boolean) --
Indicates whether the image can be used for an image builder.
ImageErrors (list) --
Describes the errors that are returned when a new image can't be created.
(dict) --
Describes a resource error.
ErrorCode (string) --
The error code.
ErrorMessage (string) --
The error message.
ErrorTimestamp (datetime) --
The time the error occurred.
NextToken (string) --
The pagination token to use to retrieve the next page of results for this operation. If there are no more pages, this value is null.
{'AttributesToDelete': {'USB_DEVICE_FILTER_STRINGS'}, 'MaxConcurrentSessions': 'integer', 'Platform': 'WINDOWS | WINDOWS_SERVER_2016 | WINDOWS_SERVER_2019 | ' 'AMAZON_LINUX2', 'UsbDeviceFilterStrings': ['string']}Response
{'Fleet': {'FleetType': {'ELASTIC'}, 'MaxConcurrentSessions': 'integer', 'Platform': 'WINDOWS | WINDOWS_SERVER_2016 | WINDOWS_SERVER_2019 | ' 'AMAZON_LINUX2', 'UsbDeviceFilterStrings': ['string']}}
Updates the specified fleet.
If the fleet is in the STOPPED state, you can update any attribute except the fleet name.
If the fleet is in the RUNNING state, you can update the following based on the fleet type:
Always-On and On-Demand fleet types You can update the DisplayName , ComputeCapacity , ImageARN , ImageName , IdleDisconnectTimeoutInSeconds , and DisconnectTimeoutInSeconds attributes.
Elastic fleet type You can update the DisplayName , IdleDisconnectTimeoutInSeconds , DisconnectTimeoutInSeconds , MaxConcurrentSessions , and UsbDeviceFilterStrings attributes.
If the fleet is in the STARTING or STOPPED state, you can't update it.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.update_fleet( ImageName='string', ImageArn='string', Name='string', InstanceType='string', ComputeCapacity={ 'DesiredInstances': 123 }, VpcConfig={ 'SubnetIds': [ 'string', ], 'SecurityGroupIds': [ 'string', ] }, MaxUserDurationInSeconds=123, DisconnectTimeoutInSeconds=123, DeleteVpcConfig=True|False, Description='string', DisplayName='string', EnableDefaultInternetAccess=True|False, DomainJoinInfo={ 'DirectoryName': 'string', 'OrganizationalUnitDistinguishedName': 'string' }, IdleDisconnectTimeoutInSeconds=123, AttributesToDelete=[ 'VPC_CONFIGURATION'|'VPC_CONFIGURATION_SECURITY_GROUP_IDS'|'DOMAIN_JOIN_INFO'|'IAM_ROLE_ARN'|'USB_DEVICE_FILTER_STRINGS', ], IamRoleArn='string', StreamView='APP'|'DESKTOP', Platform='WINDOWS'|'WINDOWS_SERVER_2016'|'WINDOWS_SERVER_2019'|'AMAZON_LINUX2', MaxConcurrentSessions=123, UsbDeviceFilterStrings=[ 'string', ] )
The name of the image used to create the fleet.
The ARN of the public, private, or shared image to use.
A unique name for the fleet.
The instance type to use when launching fleet instances. The following instance types are available:
The following instance types are available for Elastic fleets:
The desired capacity for the fleet. This is not allowed for Elastic fleets.
DesiredInstances (integer) -- [REQUIRED]
The desired number of streaming instances.
The VPC configuration for the fleet. This is required for Elastic fleets, but not required for other fleet types. Elastic fleets require that you specify at least two subnets in different availability zones.
SubnetIds (list) --
The identifiers of the subnets to which a network interface is attached from the fleet instance or image builder instance. Fleet instances use one or more subnets. Image builder instances use one subnet.
(string) --
SecurityGroupIds (list) --
The identifiers of the security groups for the fleet or image builder.
(string) --
The maximum amount of time that a streaming session can remain active, in seconds. If users are still connected to a streaming instance five minutes before this limit is reached, they are prompted to save any open documents before being disconnected. After this time elapses, the instance is terminated and replaced by a new instance.
Specify a value between 600 and 360000.
The amount of time that a streaming session remains active after users disconnect. If users try to reconnect to the streaming session after a disconnection or network interruption within this time interval, they are connected to their previous session. Otherwise, they are connected to a new session with a new streaming instance.
Specify a value between 60 and 360000.
Deletes the VPC association for the specified fleet.
The description to display.
The fleet name to display.
Enables or disables default internet access for the fleet.
The name of the directory and organizational unit (OU) to use to join the fleet to a Microsoft Active Directory domain.
DirectoryName (string) --
The fully qualified name of the directory (for example, corp.example.com).
OrganizationalUnitDistinguishedName (string) --
The distinguished name of the organizational unit for computer accounts.
The amount of time that users can be idle (inactive) before they are disconnected from their streaming session and the DisconnectTimeoutInSeconds time interval begins. Users are notified before they are disconnected due to inactivity. If users try to reconnect to the streaming session before the time interval specified in DisconnectTimeoutInSeconds elapses, they are connected to their previous session. Users are considered idle when they stop providing keyboard or mouse input during their streaming session. File uploads and downloads, audio in, audio out, and pixels changing do not qualify as user activity. If users continue to be idle after the time interval in IdleDisconnectTimeoutInSeconds elapses, they are disconnected.
To prevent users from being disconnected due to inactivity, specify a value of 0. Otherwise, specify a value between 60 and 3600. The default value is 0.
If you enable this feature, we recommend that you specify a value that corresponds exactly to a whole number of minutes (for example, 60, 120, and 180). If you don't do this, the value is rounded to the nearest minute. For example, if you specify a value of 70, users are disconnected after 1 minute of inactivity. If you specify a value that is at the midpoint between two different minutes, the value is rounded up. For example, if you specify a value of 90, users are disconnected after 2 minutes of inactivity.
The fleet attributes to delete.
(string) --
The fleet attribute.
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role to apply to the fleet. To assume a role, a fleet instance calls the AWS Security Token Service (STS) AssumeRole API operation and passes the ARN of the role to use. The operation creates a new session with temporary credentials. AppStream 2.0 retrieves the temporary credentials and creates the appstream_machine_role credential profile on the instance.
For more information, see Using an IAM Role to Grant Permissions to Applications and Scripts Running on AppStream 2.0 Streaming Instances in the Amazon AppStream 2.0 Administration Guide .
The AppStream 2.0 view that is displayed to your users when they stream from the fleet. When APP is specified, only the windows of applications opened by users display. When DESKTOP is specified, the standard desktop that is provided by the operating system displays.
The default value is APP .
The platform of the fleet. WINDOWS_SERVER_2019 and AMAZON_LINUX2 are supported for Elastic fleets.
The maximum number of concurrent sessions for a fleet.
The USB device filter strings that specify which USB devices a user can redirect to the fleet streaming session, when using the Windows native client. This is allowed but not required for Elastic fleets.
(string) --
Response Syntax
{ 'Fleet': { 'Arn': 'string', 'Name': 'string', 'DisplayName': 'string', 'Description': 'string', 'ImageName': 'string', 'ImageArn': 'string', 'InstanceType': 'string', 'FleetType': 'ALWAYS_ON'|'ON_DEMAND'|'ELASTIC', 'ComputeCapacityStatus': { 'Desired': 123, 'Running': 123, 'InUse': 123, 'Available': 123 }, 'MaxUserDurationInSeconds': 123, 'DisconnectTimeoutInSeconds': 123, 'State': 'STARTING'|'RUNNING'|'STOPPING'|'STOPPED', 'VpcConfig': { 'SubnetIds': [ 'string', ], 'SecurityGroupIds': [ 'string', ] }, 'CreatedTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'FleetErrors': [ { 'ErrorCode': 'IAM_SERVICE_ROLE_MISSING_ENI_DESCRIBE_ACTION'|'IAM_SERVICE_ROLE_MISSING_ENI_CREATE_ACTION'|'IAM_SERVICE_ROLE_MISSING_ENI_DELETE_ACTION'|'NETWORK_INTERFACE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED'|'INTERNAL_SERVICE_ERROR'|'IAM_SERVICE_ROLE_IS_MISSING'|'MACHINE_ROLE_IS_MISSING'|'STS_DISABLED_IN_REGION'|'SUBNET_HAS_INSUFFICIENT_IP_ADDRESSES'|'IAM_SERVICE_ROLE_MISSING_DESCRIBE_SUBNET_ACTION'|'SUBNET_NOT_FOUND'|'IMAGE_NOT_FOUND'|'INVALID_SUBNET_CONFIGURATION'|'SECURITY_GROUPS_NOT_FOUND'|'IGW_NOT_ATTACHED'|'IAM_SERVICE_ROLE_MISSING_DESCRIBE_SECURITY_GROUPS_ACTION'|'FLEET_STOPPED'|'FLEET_INSTANCE_PROVISIONING_FAILURE'|'DOMAIN_JOIN_ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND'|'DOMAIN_JOIN_ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED'|'DOMAIN_JOIN_ERROR_LOGON_FAILURE'|'DOMAIN_JOIN_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER'|'DOMAIN_JOIN_ERROR_MORE_DATA'|'DOMAIN_JOIN_ERROR_NO_SUCH_DOMAIN'|'DOMAIN_JOIN_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED'|'DOMAIN_JOIN_NERR_INVALID_WORKGROUP_NAME'|'DOMAIN_JOIN_NERR_WORKSTATION_NOT_STARTED'|'DOMAIN_JOIN_ERROR_DS_MACHINE_ACCOUNT_QUOTA_EXCEEDED'|'DOMAIN_JOIN_NERR_PASSWORD_EXPIRED'|'DOMAIN_JOIN_INTERNAL_SERVICE_ERROR', 'ErrorMessage': 'string' }, ], 'EnableDefaultInternetAccess': True|False, 'DomainJoinInfo': { 'DirectoryName': 'string', 'OrganizationalUnitDistinguishedName': 'string' }, 'IdleDisconnectTimeoutInSeconds': 123, 'IamRoleArn': 'string', 'StreamView': 'APP'|'DESKTOP', 'Platform': 'WINDOWS'|'WINDOWS_SERVER_2016'|'WINDOWS_SERVER_2019'|'AMAZON_LINUX2', 'MaxConcurrentSessions': 123, 'UsbDeviceFilterStrings': [ 'string', ] } }
Response Structure
(dict) --
Fleet (dict) --
Information about the fleet.
Arn (string) --
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the fleet.
Name (string) --
The name of the fleet.
DisplayName (string) --
The fleet name to display.
Description (string) --
The description to display.
ImageName (string) --
The name of the image used to create the fleet.
ImageArn (string) --
The ARN for the public, private, or shared image.
InstanceType (string) --
The instance type to use when launching fleet instances. The following instance types are available:
FleetType (string) --
The fleet type.
Provides users with instant-on access to their apps. You are charged for all running instances in your fleet, even if no users are streaming apps.
Provide users with access to applications after they connect, which takes one to two minutes. You are charged for instance streaming when users are connected and a small hourly fee for instances that are not streaming apps.
ComputeCapacityStatus (dict) --
The capacity status for the fleet.
Desired (integer) --
The desired number of streaming instances.
Running (integer) --
The total number of simultaneous streaming instances that are running.
InUse (integer) --
The number of instances in use for streaming.
Available (integer) --
The number of currently available instances that can be used to stream sessions.
MaxUserDurationInSeconds (integer) --
The maximum amount of time that a streaming session can remain active, in seconds. If users are still connected to a streaming instance five minutes before this limit is reached, they are prompted to save any open documents before being disconnected. After this time elapses, the instance is terminated and replaced by a new instance.
Specify a value between 600 and 360000.
DisconnectTimeoutInSeconds (integer) --
The amount of time that a streaming session remains active after users disconnect. If they try to reconnect to the streaming session after a disconnection or network interruption within this time interval, they are connected to their previous session. Otherwise, they are connected to a new session with a new streaming instance.
Specify a value between 60 and 360000.
State (string) --
The current state for the fleet.
VpcConfig (dict) --
The VPC configuration for the fleet.
SubnetIds (list) --
The identifiers of the subnets to which a network interface is attached from the fleet instance or image builder instance. Fleet instances use one or more subnets. Image builder instances use one subnet.
(string) --
SecurityGroupIds (list) --
The identifiers of the security groups for the fleet or image builder.
(string) --
CreatedTime (datetime) --
The time the fleet was created.
FleetErrors (list) --
The fleet errors.
(dict) --
Describes a fleet error.
ErrorCode (string) --
The error code.
ErrorMessage (string) --
The error message.
EnableDefaultInternetAccess (boolean) --
Indicates whether default internet access is enabled for the fleet.
DomainJoinInfo (dict) --
The name of the directory and organizational unit (OU) to use to join the fleet to a Microsoft Active Directory domain.
DirectoryName (string) --
The fully qualified name of the directory (for example, corp.example.com).
OrganizationalUnitDistinguishedName (string) --
The distinguished name of the organizational unit for computer accounts.
IdleDisconnectTimeoutInSeconds (integer) --
The amount of time that users can be idle (inactive) before they are disconnected from their streaming session and the DisconnectTimeoutInSeconds time interval begins. Users are notified before they are disconnected due to inactivity. If users try to reconnect to the streaming session before the time interval specified in DisconnectTimeoutInSeconds elapses, they are connected to their previous session. Users are considered idle when they stop providing keyboard or mouse input during their streaming session. File uploads and downloads, audio in, audio out, and pixels changing do not qualify as user activity. If users continue to be idle after the time interval in IdleDisconnectTimeoutInSeconds elapses, they are disconnected.
To prevent users from being disconnected due to inactivity, specify a value of 0. Otherwise, specify a value between 60 and 3600. The default value is 0.
If you enable this feature, we recommend that you specify a value that corresponds exactly to a whole number of minutes (for example, 60, 120, and 180). If you don't do this, the value is rounded to the nearest minute. For example, if you specify a value of 70, users are disconnected after 1 minute of inactivity. If you specify a value that is at the midpoint between two different minutes, the value is rounded up. For example, if you specify a value of 90, users are disconnected after 2 minutes of inactivity.
IamRoleArn (string) --
The ARN of the IAM role that is applied to the fleet. To assume a role, the fleet instance calls the AWS Security Token Service (STS) AssumeRole API operation and passes the ARN of the role to use. The operation creates a new session with temporary credentials. AppStream 2.0 retrieves the temporary credentials and creates the appstream_machine_role credential profile on the instance.
For more information, see Using an IAM Role to Grant Permissions to Applications and Scripts Running on AppStream 2.0 Streaming Instances in the Amazon AppStream 2.0 Administration Guide .
StreamView (string) --
The AppStream 2.0 view that is displayed to your users when they stream from the fleet. When APP is specified, only the windows of applications opened by users display. When DESKTOP is specified, the standard desktop that is provided by the operating system displays.
The default value is APP .
Platform (string) --
The platform of the fleet.
MaxConcurrentSessions (integer) --
The maximum number of concurrent sessions for the fleet.
UsbDeviceFilterStrings (list) --
The USB device filter strings associated with the fleet.
(string) --